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Prospects for Farmers’ Support: Advisory Services in European AKIS (PRO AKIS)

This project involves examining agricultural knowledge and information systems for farmers.

In times of changing conditions, with strong pressure from markets and citizens to adjust and innovate, farmers need timely access to knowledge and information, to training and education, and to facilitating and supporting services. Hence the Prospects for Farmers' Support: Advisory Services in European Agricultural Knowledge and Information Systems (PRO AKIS) has been devised.

Project aim

How and from what sources can farmers get reliable and relevant knowledge, as well as orientation and support, in order to continuously evolve, to successfully solve problems, and to respond to external expectations and development opportunities.

Project objectives

  • To develop a conceptual framework for the assessment of Agricultural knowledge and information systems (AKIS).
  • To provide an inventory of AKIS institutions and interactions in the EU-27 as a searchable database.
  • To investigate challenges in case studies around small-scale farmers’ access to relevant and reliable knowledge, bridging scientific research topics and farmers’ demands, and offering appropriate support for diverse rural actors that form networks around innovations in agriculture and rural areas.
  • To reveal successes, strengths and weaknesses of the specific knowledge systems through comparative analyses and assessments of these case studies.
  • To develop policy recommendations for strengthening European agricultural innovation systems.


Case studies; online questionnaires; key informant interviews; workshops and seminars.

Staff involved

Katrin Prager, Lee-Ann Sutherland, Rachel Creaney

Key contact

Katrin Prager

This is an ongoing project and will be updated with findings when appropriate. It is funded by the 7th European Framework Programme and will run from December 2012- May 2015.

Project Information
Project Type: 
Archived Project


Areas of Interest

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The James Hutton Research Institute is the result of the merger in April 2011 of MLURI and SCRI. This merger formed a new powerhouse for research into food, land use, and climate change.