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Coastal Research and Consultancy

This page is no longer updated. The information presented here formed part of our previous areas of research. This has included research carried out on behalf of our research partners, commerical contracts and also the Scottish Goverment's Strategic research programme during the period 2011 - 2016.

Scottish Goverment LogoWe have left these pages here to provide background information on our previous areas of research. Further details on the RESAS strategic programme of research (2016-21) will be made available.

Further details on why we archive pages can be found on the following page.

Photograph of a beach looking out to sea
Our research and consultancy services aim to protect resources and propose mitigation measures against impacts.

This is an exciting time for coastal and marine management in Scotland, with legislation such as the Marine (Scotland) Act, Climate Change (Scotland) Act and Marine Strategy Framework Directive providing a focus and requirement for innovative research and adaptive management. This legislation will undoubtedly bring new responsibilities for us all and provide new challenges as we strive to optimise economic growth whilst enhancing the delivery of ecosystem services.

Coasts: Our Services Our research and consultancy services aim to protect resources and propose mitigation measures against impacts. Much of this is in collaboration with partners across the UK and internationally and working closely with communities.

We place great emphasis on working closely with communities; harnessing local knowledge, and facilitating local people to become involved in decision making and managing their environment.

The two-way process of knowledge exchange is a fundamental part of our work. We aim to disseminate information in accessible formats including visualisations, presentations, reports, seminars and newsletters.

Can we help?

For details of how we can help with projects in the marine and coast environment, please contact Emily Hastings to discuss your requirements.

Examples of current work

Examples of current research


Areas of Interest

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The James Hutton Research Institute is the result of the merger in April 2011 of MLURI and SCRI. This merger formed a new powerhouse for research into food, land use, and climate change.