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Learning and Resources

School pupils learning about our science
We see science communication as an opportunity for learning and development

The James Hutton Institute is committed to raising awareness and understanding of science, and crop-based science in particular, to colleges, universities and the general public.

The Living Field is an outreach project that consists of a community garden, study centre and an interactive educational resource for primary-aged children that can be played online or downloaded.

The James Hutton Institute is a LEAF (Linking Environment and Farming) Innovation Centre. LEAF promotes environmentally responsible farming and brings together thousands of individuals and organisations to deliver a shared vision for the future of farming and food.

The Dirt Doctor promotes the importance of the soil in our everyday lives using a host of soil health profile characters like Sandy, Rocky and Heather.

Play our online Games and Resources and discover more about our interactive Exhibits that are used at events across the country.

The Institute also exhibits at events, festivals and shows across the UK. Information about forthcoming events can be found on the Events pages.

Watch leading soil scientists discuss the importance of life in soil in the Life in Soil: Does it matter? page.

The Institute also records a pollen count for a selection of tree and plant species, this recording forms part of a UK network of pollen recording stations which aids the Met Office in generating pollen forecasts.

Learning & Resources

Printed from /learning on 17/09/24 07:51:16 PM

The James Hutton Research Institute is the result of the merger in April 2011 of MLURI and SCRI. This merger formed a new powerhouse for research into food, land use, and climate change.