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Hutton Highlights

Hutton Highlights is the James Hutton Institute's quarterly electronic review, offering an overview of our latest advances in fundamental and applied research to drive the sustainable use of land and natural resources.

See below links to published issues of Hutton Highlights:


June 2023

December 2023



February 2022 issue of Hutton Highlights

February 2022

December 2022


February 2021 issue of Hutton Highlights
February 2021
June 2021 issue of Hutton Highlights
June 2021
October 2021 issue of Hutton Highlights
October 2021


February 2020 issue of Hutton Highlights
February 2020
May 2020 issue of Hutton Highlights
May 2020
October 2020 issue of Hutton Highlights
October 2020


February 2019 issue of Hutton Highlights
February 2019
June 2019 issue of Hutton Highlights
June 2019
September 2019 issue of Hutton Highlights
September 2019 


February 2018 issue of Hutton Highlights
February 2018
May 2018 issue of Hutton Highlights
May 2018
September 2018 issue of Hutton Highlights
September 2018



Link to November 2017 issue of Hutton Highlights
November 2017

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The James Hutton Research Institute is the result of the merger in April 2011 of MLURI and SCRI. This merger formed a new powerhouse for research into food, land use, and climate change.