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Consultation responses

The James Hutton Institute often submits formal responses to consultations being conducted by the European Union, UK Government, Scottish Government and other public bodies. You can find consultation responses we have submitted below. These include responses from the Scottish Environment, Food and Agriculture Research Institutes (SEFARI) where led by the James Hutton Institute.

Submitted consultation responses

Title Date submitted Key contact
James Hutton Institute response to the Scottish Government consultation on Land Reform in a Net Zero Nation 30 October 2022 Annie McKee
James Hutton Institute response to Science and Technology Committee (Lords)'s inquiry, Nature-based solutions for climate change 9 September 2021 Robn Pakeman and Kerry Waylen
James Hutton Institute response to Scottish Government consultation on Climate Change - Net Zero Nation: draft public engagement strategy 31 March 2021 David Miller
Link to external site: James Hutton Institute response to the Scottish Government consultation on cotland's Land Use Strategy 10 February 2021 David Miller
James Hutton Institute response to the Scottish Government consultation on the Draft Strategy for Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture Research 2022-2027

14 December 2020

David Miller
Link to external site: James Hutton Institute response to the UK Parliament Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee call for evidence on Tree Planting and Woodlands 23 November 2020 David Miller
Link to external site: Submission from the James Hutton Institute, to The Scottish Parliament Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform Committee Green Recovery 8 August 2020 David Miller
Link to external site: James Hutton Institute response to Scottish Parliament Pewtitions Committee evidence on a Natural Flood Alleviation Strategy 8 August 2019 Mark Wilkinson
Link to external site: James Hutton Institute response to consultation on Scotlan's Climate Change Adaptation Programme 2019-2024 9 April 2019 David Miller
Link to external site: James Hutton Institute response to Scottish Government consultation on Support for Agriculture and the Rural Economy - Post Brexit Transition 15 August 2018 Keith Matthews
Link to external site: James Hutton Institute response to the consultation of National Council of Rural Advisers on - A Rural Conversation: Together We Can, Together We Will 24 July 2018 David Miller
PDF file: SEFARI Response to: ‘An Interim Discussion Document from the Scottish Government’s Agriculture Champions’ Submission of response to consultation by Scottish Government Agriculture Champions on their "An Interim Discussion Document from the Scottish Government’s Agriculture Champions" (98 KB) 12 January 2018 David Miller, Graeme Cook
Link to external site: James Hutton Institute response to Scottish Government consultation on Bovine Viral Diarrhoea (BVD): Consultation on Phase 5 of the Eradication Scheme 6 November 2017 Orla Shortall
Link to external site: SEFARI Response to the Consultation on Rural Economy and Connectivity Committee, Forestry and Land Management (Scotland) Bill  6 September 2017 David Miller, Graeme Cook
Link to external site: SEFARI submission to Scottish Parliament Rural Economy and Connectivity Committee, Evidence on Forestry and Land Management (Scotland) Bill 16 August 2017 David Miller
Link to external site: Scottish Government Consultation on Guidance on Engaging Communities in Decisions Relating to Land 6 June 2017 Annie McKee
Link to external site: James Hutton Institute submission to consultation by Scottish Government on the future of the Sottish Planning System 4 April 2017 Jessica Maxwell
Link to external site: James Hutton Institute submission to consultation by Scottish Government on Land Rights and Responsibilities Statement (LRRS) Consultation  10 March 2017 Annie McKee
PDF file: James Hutton evidence to the Genomics and Gene-editing enquiry by the UK Parliament Science and Technology Committee (Commons) (108 KB) 3 March 2017  Derek Stewart
PDF file: Comments on the Scottish Government’s Draft Climate Change Plan: Draft Third Report on Policies and Proposals 2017-2032, from the James Hutton Institute, to the Scottish Parliament, Rural Economy and Connectivity Committee (277 KB)

15 February 2017 David MIller
PDF file: Comments on the Scottish Government’s Draft Climate Change Plan: Draft Third Report on Policies and Proposals 2017-2032, from the James Hutton Institute, to the Scottish Parliament, Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform Committee (181KB)

15 February 2017 David Miller
PDF file: European Union public stakeholder consultation - Interim evaluation of Horizon 2020 10 January 2017 David Miller, Grant Davidson
PDF file: James Hutton Response to Scottish Government Consultation on the Future of Forestry in Scotland (348 KB) 16 November 2016 Glenn Iason
PDF file: James Hutton Institute response to the Consultation by SNH on the Scope for a Strategic Vision for the Uplands (794 KB) 19 October 2016 Justin Irvine
PDF file: Call for Evidence to Science and Technology Committee (Lords) James Hutton Institute September 2016 (3695 KB); Response EUF0014 9 September 2016 David Miller
PDF file: James Hutton Institute response to Call for Evidence on the Scottish Government Enterprise and Skills Review August 2016 (227 KB) 23 August 2016 David Miller
PDF file: James Hutton Institute response to the Consultation on the Scottish Household Survey (240 KB); Response 729332799 19 April 2016 Patricia Melo
PDF file: James Hutton Institute response to the Consultation Future of Scottish Agriculture (365 KB); Response 6 23 March 2016 David MIller
PDF file: James Hutton Institute written submission of suggested prioirities for next Committe to legacy process: Scottish Parliament Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment Committee 25 February 2016 Colin Campbell
PDF file: James Hutton Institute response to Joint Research Programming Initiative on Agriculture, Food Security and Climate Change (FACCE-JPI) Implmentation Plan 2016-18 (375 KB) 11 February 2016 Grant Davidson
PDF file: Scottish Land Use Strategy 2016-21 Consultation - James Hutton Institute response (668 KB); Response 373744795 28 January 2016 Kirsty Blackstock
PDF file: James Hutton Institute response to UK Parliament Environmental Audit Committee Soil Health Enquiry (120 KB); Response SHI0052 14 January 2016 David MIller
PDF file: Making Things Last – Consultation on creating a more circular economy in Scotland (298 KB) 30 October 2015 Rupert Hough
PDF file: Land Reform (Scotland) Bill: Stage 1 Evidence (465 KB) 14th August 2015 Iain Gordon
PDF file: Nurse Review of Research Councils: Call for Evidence (330 KB)
17 April 2015 David MIller
PDF file: Consultation on ISLES Spatial Plan from James Hutton Institute (219 KB) 17 April 2015 David Miller
PDF file: Scottish Natural Heritage: A Consultation on the draft Carbon and Peatland Map (146 KB) 13 March 2015 Willie Towers
PDF file: Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment Committee - Consultation on the implementation of the Scottish Government's Scottish Biodiversity Strategy (21 KB) 12 March 2015 Rob Brooker
PDF file: A Consultation on the Future of Land Reform in Scotland (385 KB) 12 February 2015 Bob Ferrier
PDF file: Scottish Natural Heritage: A Consultation on the Draft Corporate Plan (341 KB) 5 December 2014 David Miller
PDF file: Consultation on the Future EU Initiative on No Net Loss of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (131 KB) 17 October 2014 Rob Brooker
PDF file: Recipe for Success: Scotland's National Food & Drink Policy - Becoming and Good Food Nation (175 KB) 17 October 2014 Derek Stewart
PDF file: Consultation on the Quality of Drinking Water in the EU (206 KB) 23 September 2014 Marc Stutter
PDF file: Scottish Natural Heritage: A Consultation on the National Peatland Plan (180 KB) 29 August 2014 David Miller
PDF file: Horizon 2020: Consultation on Future Priorities for Climate Challenge (435 KB) 18 June 2014 David Miller
PDF file: Health and Sport Committee: Draft Call for Evidence - Stage 1 consideration of the Food (Scotland) Bill (494 KB) 7 May 2014 Derek Stewart
PDF file: Scottish Science Advisory Council: Review of Scientific and Research Infrastructure (279 KB) 30 April 2014 Colin Campbell
PDF file: Rural Affairs and Environment Consultation on the Research Strategy for 2016-2021 (367 KB) 24 April 2014 Bob Ferrier
PDF file: Scottish Government Consultation on future CAP direct payments in Scotland from 2015 (435 KB) 28 March 2014 Deb Roberts
PDF file: Scottish Government Consultation: Scotland Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 Stage 2 (220 KB) 28 February 2014 Deb Roberts
PDF file: Scottish Natural Heritage Planning for development: what to consider and include in Deer Management Plans for development sites - revised version (230 KB) 24 January 2014 Justin Irvine
PDF file: Consultation regarding the Draft Scottish Government Good Practice Principles for Community Benefits from Onshore Renewable Energy Developments (126 KB) 17 January 2014 Deb Roberts
PDF file: Scottish Government Consultation: Community Empowerment Bill (293 KB) 17 January 2014 Robin Matthews
PDF file: European Commission Consultation on Natural Resources - Phosphorous (420 KB) 28 November 2013 Marc Stutter
PDF file: Scottish Government Draft Scottish Marine Litter Strategy (217 KB) 27 September 2013 Marc Stutter
PDF file: Scottish Government Draft Scottish Climate Change Adaptation Programme Consultation (204 KB) 27 September 2013 Robin Matthews
PDF file: Scottish Natural Heritage Planning for development: what to consider and include in Deer Management Plans for development sites (234 KB) 13 September 2013 Justin Irvine
PDF file: Scottish Government Draft Scottish Planning Policy for Consultation (249 KB) 23 July 2013 David Miller
PDF file: Scottish Government National Planning Framework 3 Main Issues Report for Consultation (245 KB) 23 July 2013 David Miller
PDF file: Scottish Science Advisory Council consultation on the possible implications for science and engineering in Scotland in the independence debate (98 KB) 24 May 2013 Dianne Haley

PDF file: A Healthier Scotland: Consultation on creating a new food body (232 KB)
22 May 2013 Derek Stewart
PDF file: Scottish Government Land Reform Review Group: Call for evidence (670 KB) 11 January 2013 Deb Roberts


11 March 2018


David MIller, Knowledge Exchange Coordinator


Printed from /publications/consultations on 17/09/24 07:48:01 PM

The James Hutton Research Institute is the result of the merger in April 2011 of MLURI and SCRI. This merger formed a new powerhouse for research into food, land use, and climate change.