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Copyright Statement

The information and images contained within these web pages are copyright of the James Hutton Institute unless otherwise stated. All rights are reserved.

Information may be downloaded and stored in electronic or printed format for personal, educational and research purposes providing that the source of reference is clearly acknowledged. The documents or images may not be altered in any way and you may not remove any part of any copyright notice.

No information contained on the site may be used for commercial purposes without the prior written permission of the James Hutton Institute.

If you have any queries or require further information, please email


Every effort is made to ensure that the information provided on this site is accurate and up to date, but no legal responsibility is accepted for any errors, omissions or misleading statements and any decisions made using the information provided. The James Hutton Institute provides links to other websites where appropriate to our business. The Institute does so in good faith, but does not accept any responsibility for the accuracy of these external pages' content, or liability for the consequences of using the information contained in the external pages. In addition, the inclusion of such a link should not be taken to mean endorsement by the Institute of the site to which it points.


Privacy Notice

Who we are

The James Hutton Institute including Biomathematics and Statistics Scotland (“BioSS”) (“Hutton”, “us” or “we”) is the Data Controller over any personal data we process about you for the purposes set out in this Privacy Notice.  This privacy notice outlines what personal data Hutton collects and processes about you in various situations, which we have explained below.  In short, such situations may be when you interact with this website and its sub-domains (the “websites”); when you participate in a research project; when you attend one of our events; when you visit our sites; when we market to you and any other interaction you have with us and during which we process your personal data. 

Please read through the privacy notice to understand how Hutton uses and processes the information obtained. If you have any concerns about Hutton’s processing of your personal data or you have a general enquiry in relation to data protection please contact our Data Protection Officer at

What is personal data?

Personal Data: means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (‘data subject’); an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person.

Special Category of Data: means personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership, and the processing of genetic data, biometric data for the purpose of uniquely identifying a natural person, data concerning health or data concerning a natural person’s sex life or sexual orientation.

When we use the term ‘personal data’ we mean both personal data and special category of data.

Our processing

Personal Data is collected in several different ways dependent on your interaction with Hutton.  The table below sets out what personal data we process about you, where we get it from, why we use it, our legal basis and who we share it with.  Please note that your personal data will be held in the UK on our own servers.  We will not share your personal data with any other organisation or third parties without seeking your prior consent. Exceptions to this are:

  1. where we are required to share your personal data in accordance with law e.g. such as to assist with investigations carried out by the police, other authorities or any regulatory requirement to which Hutton is subject;
  2. where we are undergoing a corporate restructure;
  3. where we use third parties to undertake certain services on our behalf and in doing so, they require to process personal data in order to do this.  If so, we will ensure that adequate arrangements are in place to protect your personal data.  These third parties may include: our lawyers, auditors, accountants, payroll provider, cloud storage suppliers, CRM suppliers, marketing platforms, IT infrastructure suppliers, online survey platforms;transcribing and data scanning services;
  4. with our wholly owned subsidiary James Hutton Limited where this is necessary on the basis that we share certain operational services e.g. marketing team, or we may collaborate on certain research projects; or
  5. if stated in the table below.
Show table / Hide table
Purpose Personal data Where do we get it from? Legal basis Will we share it?
To respond to enquiries (online and otherwise) and feedback forms Name, email address, telephone number, address, any information you provide to us When you contact us requesting information online or by telephone, submit an enquiry on our website, use our online forms, fill in feedback forms and questionnaires, submit a FOI Request or a Data Subject Request


Legitimate Interest – it is in our legitimate interest to respond to enquiries, requests and information within feedback forms so that we can engage with individuals and improve service delivery No
To improve the website and for internal system administration IP Address; your access to the site, your browser. Further information on how Hutton uses cookies is available in our Cookies Policy


Google Analytics and our server Our legal basis is that it is in our legitimate interest to use this information to operate the website and to fix issues with the website.  For non-essential cookies, we rely on your consent No
To manage network and information security for Hutton. Name, organisation, email address, occupation, IP Address, email metadata, email content, email banner, email attachments, and any other personal or sensitive personal data provided within email communications. From you in any email or other messages you may send to us via our website or mailbox. Our legal basis is that it is in our legitimate interest to ensure our network is secure and to deter potential cyber security threats and attacks.  We will share your data with our security provider for the purposes of ensuring our network and informational security which will involve transferring it, on some occasions to the US.
To manage visitors on our site(s) Name, organisation, vehicle registration number, telephone number, images from CCTV From you or from our CCTV Our legal basis is that it is in our legitimate interest to identify visitors on our sites for security purposes. No
To organise and manage events Name, occupation, organisation, email address, telephone number, special dietary requirements, photos and videos From you Our legal basis is that is in our legitimate interest to know who is attending our events so that we can manage them appropriately. Where we collect photos/videos or special category data such as health data related to dietary requirements, we rely on your consent Only if the relevant event is a joint event with a third party or catering suppliers if dietary requirements exist
To publish a delegate list Name, occupation, organisation From you Consent Only if the relevant event is a joint event with a third party.  It would also be publicly available in the delegate pack
To undertake research projects and other activities related to a research project life cycle, such as publishing, sending out communications and materials Name, occupation, organisation, address, telephone number, email, financial information, records of communications with you, records related to project administration, such as consent forms and any other personal data provided during the research project such as your opinion and thoughts From you or from a third-party collaborator Our legal basis is usually that it is necessary for the performance of a task in the public interest. Where this differs on a per project basis, we will let you know
  • Depending on the project, we may share your personal data with research collaborators or funders as part of our contractual or legal obligations; with transcribers,  survey companies or other third-party service providers; with scientific publishers, only when we are required to do so as a condition of publishing; with data archiving services and organisations.
  • Where we require to share your personal data, this will be on a need-to-know basis and  in accordance with adequate arrangements in place, such as a data sharing agreement; and  we will inform you in the ‘participant information sheet’ or other information notice/privacy  provided to you when you agree to participate in research
To market our services, ideals or aims Name, email address, photographs, video From you Our legal basis is that it is in our legitimate interest to market our services, ideals or aims. We may also rely on consent for certain marketing activity such as a photograph or video of events where you are clearly identifiable No. An exception may be if we take photos or videos of events which we organise and you may have attended. If you are clearly identifiable, we will ask for your consent first
Accreditation and licensing Name, email address, organisation, academic or technical qualifications and any other data  necessary for us to comply with requirements related to accreditation and licensing procedures From you Our legal basis will either be our legitimate interest to maintain our accreditations, such as UKAS, ISO17025 or that a legal or statutory obligation exists. We will use this information to analyse and improve the management system, testing and calibration activities as well as our customer service No, unless this is required by law or we have another strong legitimate interest to do so. Where possible, information shared with accreditation and licensing bodies will be anonymised
Hosting video-conferencing sessions which are recorded Name, image and voice (unless you turn off your camera and microphone), any information you choose to share during a video-conferencing session From you Our legal basis will be consent.  We will inform you in advance that we intend to record the session and seek your consent. No
To fulfill our contractual and statutory reporting obligations, e.g. with the Scottish and/or UK Government , such as RESAS, UKAS etc Name, email address, organisation or affiliation, any other personal information provided through forms, communications, administration records From you Our legal basis is compliance with a legal obligation, failing which it is in our legitimate interest No
To carry out research misconduct investigations Name, email address, records of communications with you, administration records From you, e.g. when you report research misconduct, unless you choose to do so anonymously, and in other communications related to research misconduct processes Our legal basis is that it is in our legitimate interest to investigate allegations of misconduct We may share with research collaborators or funders as part of our contractual obligations
To administer and deliver online and onsite training courses Name, email address, phone number, organisation and other information provided via communications and administrative processes From you, e.g. at registration and during course attendance
  • If you are scientist/student of one of the Main RESAS Providers (“MRPs”) and/or delivery of the course is considered as part of our obligations to RESAS/SG or another public funder, our lawful basis is that this processing is a task in the public interest.
  • If you are a non-MRP scientist/student and delivery of this course is not considered part of our obligations to RESAS/SG or another public funder, our legal basis for collecting and processing your personal data is most often that this is necessary for the performance of a contract to which you are part to or taking steps at your request prior to entering into the contract. Otherwise we shall seek your consent
We may share some of your personal data with your employer to inform them if you have completed the training.  Our legal basis for this processing would be that it is necessary for our legitimate interest of ensuring our clients maximise benefits of our service
To carry out activities associated with the financial management of the organization, including managing accounts, research finance, procurement, insurance, cash office functions etc Depending on the process it may include identifiers such as name, role, email address, correspondence address, date of birth, professional references, bank details Usually form individuals. Information may be sourced from Hutton systems, such as the finance system or maybe provided by agents or representatives on behalf of data subjects

Our legal bases shall most often be:

  • the data subject has given explicit consent;
  • processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party or in order to take steps at the request of the data subject prior to entering into a contract;
  • processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which Hutton is subject
  • processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the controller
Donations/Fundraising Name; Email address; Postal address; Records of communications with you; Business details and professional activities – if required; Financial information required to process your gifts

From you;

From publicly available sources, where relevant

  • The legal basis for processing your personal data is that is necessary in the pursuit of our legitimate interests in terms of securing funding. We will communicate with you in a reasonable manner, and do not consider that there is any impact on your interests, rights or freedoms.
  • If we have your consent, we will also use your personal data for the following activities:
  • Sending texts and electronic communications asking you to participate in fundraising appeals and campaigns
With third-party organisations engaged by Hutton as data processors, e.g. payment services (e.g. direct debit, online donation processing)

Is my personal data safe?

Hutton works hard to protect your personal data and have adopted appropriate technical and organisational measures to keep it safe from unauthorised disclosure, alteration or destruction.

Unfortunately, the transmission of information via the internet is not completely secure. Although we will do our best to protect your personal data, we cannot guarantee the security of your personal data transmitted to Hutton via the internet; any transmission is at your own risk.

How can I stop Hutton using my personal data for marketing purposes if I no longer wish to receive communications from Hutton?

If you no longer wish to receive communication from Hutton via e.g. our monthly newsletter and would like your personal data removed from our database please e-mail our Communications Department on or telephone 0344 928 5428.

How long will Hutton retain my personal data?

Hutton will keep your personal data for no longer than is necessary for the purpose we obtained it for or until such time that you withdraw your consent and exercised your right to request that Hutton stops processing your personal data (if relevant).

Does Hutton make any automated decisions about me or profile my personal data?

Hutton does not make automated decisions about you and also does not profile your personal data.

Will Hutton transfer my personal data outside the EEA?

From time to time, Hutton may transfer limited personal data outside the European Economic Area. Where this does occur, Hutton will inform you of this and also adhere to the requirements of data protection legislation (i.e. ensure that adequate technical and organisational controls are in place.) Hutton ensures that appropriate agreements with regard to data sharing are in place with contracted service providers and international partner institutions outside the EU. 

What are my rights in relation to the personal data Hutton holds about me?

We have summarised your rights below.  Please contact our Data Protection Officer at to exercise these.

  • If we are relying on your consent, you can withdraw your consent at any time, at which point we shall stop processing your personal data in that way.  Please note this does not affect the legality of our processing up to the date of your withdrawal of consent.

  • You can seek to restrict our processing of your personal data, ask us to rectify any personal data we hold about you or object to us processing your personal data for the purposes stated above. 

  • You have the right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) if you think that we have infringed your rights. You can find more information about reporting a matter to the ICO at the following link:

  • You have the right to access personal data held by us about you.

  • In certain circumstances you have the right to ask us to provide you with your personal data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format to allow you (or us on your behalf) to transmit this information to another party.  More information can be found at

  • In certain circumstances you have the right to ask us to erase the personal data we hold about you.  Such circumstances include (a) where we no longer need your personal data for the purposes set out above; (b) if you withdraw your consent to our processing; (c) if you object to our processing based on our legitimate interest and we have no overriding legitimate grounds to continue processing your personal data; (d) if we process the data unlawfully; or (e) where the personal data has to be erased to comply with legal obligation to which we are subject.  We will consider any such request in line with GDPR.  Please note this is not an absolute right and there may be circumstances where we choose not to delete all of the personal data we hold about you.  More information about your right of erasure can be found at

Third Party Links

Hutton’s website may, from time to time, contain links to and from the websites of third parties. If you follow a link to any of these websites, please note that these websites and any services that may be accessible through them have their own privacy notices and that we do not accept any responsibility or liability for these notices or for any personal data that may be collected through these websites or services, such as contact and location data. Please check these notices before you submit any personal data to these websites or use these services.

Changes to Privacy Notice

We reserve the right to amend this privacy notice. However, any changes we may make to our privacy notice in the future will be communicated to you in some manner.


Questions, comments and requests regarding this privacy notice are welcomed and should be addressed to:

Last updated: September 2022

Use of James Hutton Institute logo

To download high-resolution print and web versions of our logo, please refer to our logo usage guidelines.

PDF file: Logo Use Quick Reference Guide (266 KB)

For more information and complete identity guidelines, please contact our Graphics group.


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Our use of Cookies

More informaiton on how our site uses Cookies is available.

Printed from /terms on 17/09/24 07:46:13 PM

The James Hutton Research Institute is the result of the merger in April 2011 of MLURI and SCRI. This merger formed a new powerhouse for research into food, land use, and climate change.