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Centre for Human and Animal Pathogens in the Environment (HAP-E@Hutton)

Soil poaching can exacerbate pathogen entry into surface waters
Understanding the environmental prevalence, persistence and transmission of human and animal pathogens.

Key pathogens in the environment interests

  • Environmental survival of pathogens (for example, Clostridia in anaerobic digestate, Mycobacteria on farms)
  • Antimicrobial resistance - the environment/inputs to the environment as a vector and "melting pot" for exchange of resistance genes
  • Pathogen transmission via environment (human and animal faeces to soils/water/crops/and back to humans/animals)
  • Pathogens in Water Supplies
  • Faeco-oral and food chain transmission of pathogens (for example, Ready-to-Eat produce)
  • Screening tests for pathogen presence or faecal source tracking

Why study human and animal pathogens in the environment?

  • Understanding the role of the environment in transmission of human and animal pathogens and AMR is central to our understanding of the mechanisms governing disease transmission and allows us to mitigate against their spread, protecting human and animal health.
  • Understanding the role of the environment in mediating the behaviour, interactions and transmission of pathogens and their vectors is central to being able to meet the challenge of balancing sustainable food production under the pressures of increasing populations, environmental changes (including climate change) changing climates and a requirement to protect ecosystem services and public health.
  • Developing novel techniques for detection, identification and tracking of these organisms and understanding the processes driving environmental persistence and transmission of human and animal pathogens is key to meeting the targets above.

Seals are one source of faecal pathogens in the Ythan Estuary

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Areas of Interest

Printed from /research/hape on 20/09/24 05:40:42 PM

The James Hutton Research Institute is the result of the merger in April 2011 of MLURI and SCRI. This merger formed a new powerhouse for research into food, land use, and climate change.