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April 4, 2023
This article first appeared in Insider online on 21 April 2023 At the beginning of this year, the James Hutton Institute appointed a new entrepreneur in residence – a man with more than 30 years of global business experience, George...
October 10, 2021
Over the next four years the James Hutton Institute, NatureScot, the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (UKCEH) and the University of Stirling will work in partnership to restore habitats across the Forth catchment area.
August 8, 2021
Researchers from the James Hutton Institute are calling on livestock farmers and vets in the UK to help develop a greater understanding of the use of on farm anti-microbials. It is widely believed that overuse and improper use of anti-...
July 7, 2021
A new website which brings together thousands of research publications, dating back centuries to the present day, has been launched by six Scottish Government funded partners.  
May 5, 2021
A new research project involving 39 partners from 19 countries and including James Hutton Institute scientists has received €10 million from the European Union. The Horizon 2020 funded project FireEUrisk, launching this month, aims to shift...
April 4, 2021
How will food production respond to the effects of COVID-19 in the next 18 months? Which sectors are likely to experience change? These questions are at the heart of research examining how best to protect the UK’s food and nutrition...
March 3, 2021
The International Barley Hub and the Advanced Plant Growth Centre, two flagship innovation projects supported through a transformational capital investment of £45m by the UK Government and £17m by the Scottish Government via the Tay...
December 12, 2020
Mayan Gold and Vales Sovereign potatoes developed in Tayside by the James Hutton Institute and grown on Hutton research farms as part of a long-term trial of sustainable cultivation methods are being donated to food banks across Tayside in time...
November 11, 2020
Scotland boasts a hugely varied coastline and a rich offering of inland waters in both rural and urban settings which host an amazing array of riches, come in all shapes and sizes, and are greatly valued and cherished by communities and visitors...
November 11, 2020
How can we use the Natural Capital Protocol (NCP) to help land managers when considering agricultural land use decisions? How can the NCP contribute to ongoing initiatives to test natural capital approaches in land-based business in Scotland?...
November 11, 2020
Moorland management in Scotland has come under the spotlight in a series of reports assessing the socio-economic and biodiversity impacts of driven grouse moors and the employment rights of gamekeepers.
October 10, 2020
A bioinformatics platform developed at the James Hutton Institute which allows users to import, visualize, explore and share project data for plant genetic resources has been recognised by being named a global ‘Hub Pilot’ by the...
August 8, 2020
British and Indian experts are joining forces to investigate the impact that releasing antibiotics from antibiotic manufacturing into India’s waterways has on the spread of potentially fatal drug-resistant infections. An estimated 58,000...
April 4, 2020
Social science at the James Hutton Institute may provide an insight into how rural Scotland can and will likely respond to the COVID-19 outbreak. These research findings bring into focus the importance of community resilience, discuss the impact...
October 10, 2019
A new report commissioned by the Centre of Expertise for Waters (CREW) estimates that the restoration of native oyster beds in Scotland has the potential to give a £3.5m boost to the UK economy and create jobs in some of the most...
October 10, 2019
Scientists based at the James Hutton Institute in Aberdeen have developed a brand-new, web-based portal to improve access to spatial data on Scotland’s natural assets, including soils, land, biodiversity and cultural heritage. The new...
April 4, 2019
  Case Studies in the UK TEXT     Key contacts Lee-Ann Sutherland    Adam Calo Follow @newbieuk
April 4, 2019
Come and spend a fun family day at Mylnefield Farm! The Institute will be taking part in Open Farm Sunday 2019 on 9 June.
April 4, 2019
April 4, 2019
NEWBIE Events At Newbie UK, we're working to be abreast of the ongoing work of farmers, advisory services, and governments to support and research new entrant farming. Any questions about events you see? Send an email to Adam Calo.
April 4, 2019
In NEWBIE, “new entrants” are defined as anyone who starts a new farm business or becomes involved in an existing farm business. They comprise a wide range of ages, agricultural experience and resource access. Newcomers and successors...
October 10, 2018
Introduction The riparian zone occupies the critical interface between land and watercourses where processes have great potential to influence stream and river biogeochemical and ecological conditions and is a key management location. Riparian...
September 9, 2017
NEFERTITI will establish an EU-wide highly connected network of well-specified demonstration and pilot farms, which is designed to enhance thematic knowledge exchange, cross fertilisation among actors and efficient innovation uptake in the...
July 7, 2017
October 10, 2016
The contribution crofters and island farmers make to managing land of high nature value will be the focus of a short film and following panel discussion planned for 7.30 pm on Thursday 10th November in the Aros centre, Portree on Skye.
October 10, 2016

Potatosize (Research Page)

The PotatoSize app provides potato growers with information on the proportion of their crop that lies within each size range of interest. It uses image analysis to interpret a photo of potatoes sampled in the field. Development was in partnership...
December 12, 2015
The MRES report provides a review of recent and ongoing work relevant to ecosystem service mapping in Scotland. It provides a reference resource for future research and a list of example methodologies used in this area, while at the same time...
September 9, 2015
As part of activities planned to mark the International Year of Soils, the James Hutton Institute and the National Library of Scotland have teamed up to offer access to the Institute’s historical one inch to 1 mile (1:63,360) Soil Survey of...
April 4, 2015
Top-level academics from the University of Lomé in Togo and the Togolese Ambassador to the UK visited the James Hutton Institute’s Dundee site this week as part of a four day visit which also included Abertay University.
March 3, 2015
Rajendra Singh, the ‘Waterman of India’, has been named the 2015 Stockholm Water Prize Laureate for his innovative river restoration efforts, improving water security in rural India, and for showing extraordinary courage and...
January 1, 2015

Books and Book Chapters (Research Page)

Water Ecosystem Services - A Global Perspective
January 1, 2015


Reindeer herding and commodification of the outfields in Southern Sami areas- Challenges to established rights and practices (RURALREIN)
October 10, 2014
National Soils Database
August 8, 2014
Data from spatial monitoring of water quality provided parameter sets for validation of catchment scale models. These have been used in a number of externally funded research projects including REFRESH.
August 8, 2014
Management to mitigate pollutant swapping Buffer strips are useful for mitigating diffuse pollution. As riparian buffers perform their role in sediment trapping, P accumulates with no loss mechanism (as in wetland denitrification for N)....
August 8, 2014
Tarland modelling                         Hydraulic models help to predict where flooding might occur, how severe it might...
July 7, 2014
TRANSGRASS innovatively combined collaborative video, interactive Touchtable technology, and ecological surveys with a series of workshops to develop a transdisciplinary platform for the integration of contested forms of knowledge...
July 7, 2014
Despite many decades of research within protected area landscapes, many protected area management organisations struggle to use scientific expertise in their management and decision making processes. The project has been funded by the Macaulay...
June 6, 2014
Aim: to establish full understanding of Scotland’s installed hydropower resources and related considerations We have reviewed and synthesised the current information, knowledge and research that are relevant to hydro-electric power (HEP)...
June 6, 2014
Aim: to establish the resilience of Scotland’s hydropower resources to future water availability The 2020 Renewable Energy Routemap targets for generation could be affected by environmental change impacts on the hydropower resource in...
June 6, 2014
On the whole, Scotland’s environment is of good quality and there have been many significant improvements in recent years. However, the 2014 State of the Environment Report clearly shows that some habitats and species are under threat, and...
April 4, 2014
Hydropower plays a key role in Scotland’s renewable energy contributions and renewables targets for 2015 (50%) and 2020 (100%). Our research is supporting the sustainable planning, development and management of this resource. We are...
March 3, 2014
As part of our work on behalf of the Scottish Government, the European Union and a range of other funders, members of staff in the Safeguarding Natural Capital theme produce and contribute to a variety of outputs, a range of which you can see...
March 3, 2014
Policy makers across Europe will get a helping hand to identify ways to reach farmers with new information and rethink advisory services, thanks to a project which is mapping the many different information sources available to farmers.
January 1, 2014
A workshop was held at Birnam Arts and Conference Centre on 20 November 2013 to provide an update on research being conducted as part of the Vibrant Rural Communities theme of the Food, Land and People Strategic Research programme, funded by...
January 1, 2014

LandSFACTS downloads (Research Page)

The LandSFACTS software is available in several formats: with graphical interface, helpfile and tutorial [XP, W7], cf. below command-line [XP, W7, W7 x64, Linux x64], by request dynamic libraries [XP, W7, W7 x64, Linux x64], by request...
January 1, 2014

LandSFACTS (Research Page)

LANDscape Scale Functional Allocation of Crops Temporally and Spatially
January 1, 2014
Stakeholder engagement events relating to theme topics Health and wellbeing conferences and workshops Date Title Theme role Venue 25 November 2013
January 1, 2014
Soil mapping
December 12, 2013
Project aim The aim of this project was to review the economics of sustainable land management measures in catchments where abstraction for the provision of drinking water takes place. Funding was provided by CREW (Scotland’s Centre of...
December 12, 2013
The aim of this project was to support Scottish Water pilot a restoration park to reclaim waste water and market it to non-household water users. Funding was provided by CREW (Scotland’s Centre of Expertise for Waters) and the project ran...
December 12, 2013
Project aim The overall goal of the project ‘Hunting for Sustainability’ was to assess the social, cultural, economic and ecological functions and impacts of hunting across a broad range of contexts in Europe and Africa. Funding was...
December 12, 2013
Project aims This project looks at the management of conflicts:
December 12, 2013

Foodscapes (Project)

Project aim Foodscapes aims to explore how arts intervention and cultural engagement can help address social and economic exclusion, food poverty, and sustainability. It has been funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council/Economic and...
December 12, 2013
The overall goal of FarmPath is to identify and assess future transition pathways towards regional sustainability of agriculture in Europe, and the social and technological innovation needs required to initiate and progress along these pathways....
December 12, 2013

Evaluating CREW (Project)

This project was commissioned by Scotland's Centre of Expertise for Waters (CREW) with the overall purpose of increasing the effectiveness of the centre’s work. CREW provided the funding for the project, which runs from April 2011 to...
November 11, 2013

Agroecology publications (Research Page)

Below is a sample of recent peer reviewed publications by staff working in the Agroecology Group. 
November 11, 2013

Agroecology funding (Research Page)

November 11, 2013

Ecosystem services (Research Page)

Natural Capital is the resource from which Ecosystem Services, i.e. what an ecosystem 'does' or provides that ultimately gives some benefit to humans, are generated. We often think of these services in 4 categories:
September 9, 2013
Centre for Sustainable Cropping
September 9, 2013
Several funded projects at the James Hutton Institute are either specifically about IPM or the toolbox components.
September 9, 2013

IPM in the agroecosystem (Research Page)

IPM is also about managing the other species in agroecosystem and not just the crop and visible weeds, pathogens, pests and their symptoms. It should also include management of:
September 9, 2013
September 9, 2013

What is IPM? (Research Page)

August 8, 2013

Imaging Technologies (Research Page)

The Imaging Technologies (ImTech) Group based at the Dundee site, within the Cell and Molecular Sciences group, is involved in a wide variety of research across the James Hutton Institute.
August 8, 2013
Mountain biking in Scotland is the first volume in a series of discussion papers on Understanding and resolving land use conflicts.
June 6, 2013

Scottish Rivers Handbook (Research Page)

The Scottish Rivers Handbook has been produced by the James Hutton Institute and the University of Stirling for CREW, the Centre of Expertise for Waters. It is an accessible, fully illustrated 36 page book providing an overview of the physical...
June 6, 2013

People (Research Page)

Valuation and governance of natural capital Looking at natural capital inherently requires looking at the relationships between humans and their natural environment. The concept of ‘capital’ implies that components of the natural...
June 6, 2013

Biodiversity (Research Page)

The term biodiversity describes the diversity of life on Earth. Diversity can occur at a number of levels of biological organisation, from genes, through to individuals, populations, species, communities and entire ecosystems.
June 6, 2013

Land (Research Page)

Landscapes and regions are where many natural processes and human activities interact and potentially conflict in different ways, giving complex challenges for sustainable management. Managing landscapes has to satisfy multiple purposes and has...
June 6, 2013

Soil Capital (Research Page)

Soils underpin a multitude of ecosystem goods and services that are not only vital to peoples’ livelihoods and Society in general, but also to Earth’s regulating systems.
April 4, 2013

BaBU Review (Research Page)

The Biotic and Biophysical Underpinning of Ecosystem Services in the Scottish Context  review was carried out to help deliver increased understanding of the linkages between the primary ecological and evolutionary processes, ecosystem...
March 3, 2013
Guidance and advice for improving implementation and increasing uptake of measures to improve water quality in Scotland The Scotland River Basin Management Plan (2010) requires implementation of programmes of measures to support achievement of...
February 2, 2013

URflood: Funders (Research Page)

February 2, 2013

URflood: Links (Research Page)

Partners The James Hutton Institute Suomen ympäristökeskus (Finnish Environment Institute) University College Dublin
February 2, 2013

URflood: Partners (Research Page)

The James Hutton Institute
February 2, 2013

URflood: Case Studies (Research Page)

Please use the links below to read more about the country specific case studies
February 2, 2013
The aims of the project will be delivered via the following work packages:
February 2, 2013

URflood: Key Questions (Research Page)

February 2, 2013
Register online now to take part in our farmer led phosphorus sampling project Why is phosphorus important? Phosphorus is an essential plant fertiliser. However, phosphorus is an increasingly expensive commodity, which is mined from a few...
December 12, 2012
The Tarland catchment has been the focus of water quality research at the James Hutton Institute for over 12 years. In response to policy driven requirements we aim to link hydrology, water quality and ecology in order to provide catchment scale...
October 10, 2012
Background The Lewis Endowment Fund (LEF) was set up in 1930 as part of an original benefaction from Dr T.B. Macaulay of the Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada. Whilst the major purpose of this benefaction was to create the Macaulay Land Use...
October 10, 2012
October 10, 2012
The James Hutton Institute supports a range of field sites and research platforms across Scotland.
July 7, 2012
Current projects and recent outputs Biofilm STEM activity book for primary schools Outputs from previous projects
July 7, 2012

HAPE Core researchers (Research Page)

July 7, 2012
Pathogens do not automatically pose a risk to human or animal health if there is no pathway by which they can reach that person or animal (the receptor). Therefore, using a Source-Pathway-Receptor approach to address human and animal pathogens in...
July 7, 2012

HAP-E@Hutton (Research Page)

The core research group in the Centre for Human and Animal Pathogens in the Environment (HAP-E) at the James Hutton Institute studies the following pathogen-environment systems:
July 7, 2012
Key pathogens in the environment interests Environmental survival of pathogens (for example, Clostridia in anaerobic digestate, Mycobacteria on farms) Antimicrobial resistance - the environment/inputs to the environment as a vector and...
May 5, 2012

Metabolomics (Research Page)

Principal contact: Dr. J. William (Will) Allwood (
May 5, 2012

Food analysis (Research Page)

Principal contact for food analysis: Gordon McDougall QTS-25 Texture Analyzer (Brookfield Engineering Labs, Inc.) The QTS-25 is a self-contained bench top instrument providing a realistic measurement of the physical properties of a wide...
May 5, 2012
IR research has been carried out in the James Hutton Institute for over 50 years including much of the pioneering work on IR of minerals. The Infrared (IR) Section at the James Hutton Institute has both FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared) and NIR (...
May 5, 2012

Mineralogy (Research Page)

Electron Microscopy is an extremely versatile tool which allows the study of both morphology and material composition from virtually all areas of science and technology. The XRD instruments are used for studying the mineralogical composition of...
May 5, 2012
The soil section provides a range of analytical services dedicated to the analysis of soils, peats, sediments and related materials. Dedicated staff and equipment provide high quality, accredited (ISO 17025), analytical data. Supporting both the...
May 5, 2012
Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry systems are used for the determination of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and persistent organic pollutants (POPs): chemicals which can exert profound and deleterious effects on wildlife populations and...
May 5, 2012
A new term “weather weirding” has captured public imagination succinctly summing up recent meteorological conditions and illustrating the very real problems of trying to manage water quantity extremes. 
May 5, 2012
Scotland has water resources of generally high quality and with adequate volume to meet current demands. However, these resources are not uniformly distributed and there are significant pressures on both quantity and quality in certain regions....
May 5, 2012
The Inorganic section is capable of a wide variety of metals analysis on aqueous samples, using ICP-MS and ICP-OES, ion chromatography, including ultra-low level analysis for mercury, arsenic and selenium in waters and acid digested materials....
April 4, 2012
March 3, 2012
March 3, 2012
Plugging the evidence gap
March 3, 2012

Community Ecology Staff (Research Page)

The Group’s staff members contribute a wide range of skills to the projects on which they work, including a diverse range of taxonomic expertise and data analysis skills. They have experience of working from mountain tops, through woodland...
March 3, 2012
Our research is designed to help protect the nation’s soil Scotland’s soils are the foundation of our primary production industries An agricultural output of £1.75 billion (2005) World records for cereal yields.
March 3, 2012
Soils are created by the weathering of rocks over hundreds to thousands of years. The speed and nature of soil formation is affected by various factors.
March 3, 2012
The National Soils Archive is held at the James Hutton Institute in Aberdeen. Our core activity is the long term storage and maintenance of this valuable resource and we are supported by the Rural & Environment Science & Analytical...
March 3, 2012
If you would like to be part of the Ecosystem Approach Working Group (EAWG) there are three membership types.
March 3, 2012

EAWG Resources (Research Page)

Outputs and documents from meetings Please got to the meetings page to see the reports made from our EAWG meetings and the accompanying meeting documents.
March 3, 2012

EAWG Meetings (Research Page)

Main EAWG workshops are held once per year, with other meetings arranged as required. See below for more information about individual meetings, including copies of presentations and papers. Documents are in pdf format. EAWG5 - Ecosystem Service...
February 2, 2012

Soil diversity (Research Page)

The complexity of the soil system with many large gradients including nutrients and gases such as oxygen drive a massive diversity below ground. It has been estimated that there are over 40,000 different organisms contained within a gram of soil...
February 2, 2012

Soils and climate change (Research Page)

The climate is changing in response to the increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. While the burning of fossil fuels has made a major contribution to the levels of carbon dioxide, soils have been responsible for part...
February 2, 2012

Soils Database (Research Page)

What happens to the information recorded in the field by soil surveyors, and the results of all the analysis carried out on the samples they collect? Once it has been collated, it is stored securely so people from all over the world can use it as...
February 2, 2012

Soil science (Research Page)

We conduct a wide range of soil-related research. Read more on the following pages.
February 2, 2012
E-SMART: Environmental Sensing for Monitoring and Advising in Real-Time
December 12, 2011
November 11, 2011

Soil forensics (Research Page)

November 11, 2011

Land capability (Research Page)

Soil is a fundamental part of land and is key in determining what activities can be undertaken and supported on different types of land; how capable is land is sustaining different farming systems, different woodland types, valued habitats, as a...
November 11, 2011

Root-soil interactions (Research Page)

This interdisciplinary research examines below ground interactions between plants and soil, focusing on root growth and the rhizosphere. Research includes root growth processes in relation to environmental stresses, nutrient and water capture by...
November 11, 2011
November 11, 2011

Improving the plant (Research Page)

Better use of water and nutrients, increased resistance to stresses and less wastage in production are major research challenges we address. A combination of genetics and agronomy provides an in-depth understanding of favourable plant traits and...
November 11, 2011

Agroecology (Research Page)

The Agroecology Group is focused on contributing to the understanding, development, and establishment of sustainable and resilient agri-food systems. The Group combines excellent domain-based science with a holistic, transdisciplinary approach...
November 11, 2011

Biotechnology Facility (Research Page)

Potato and barley transformation The Biotechnology facility at the James Hutton Institute is a technical resource helping develop and deploy stable transformation (GM) and gene editing (GE) in crop species. We work collaboratively with research...
October 10, 2011
Many antifouling paints, applied to ships’ hulls and other marine structures, contain copper (Cu) as an active ingredient. As a result many European waterways are becoming increasingly Cu contaminated. This work is investigating the effects...
October 10, 2011

Coastal soils (Research Page)

A number of Scotland's rarer soils are found at or near the coast. Perhaps the best known are the sandy soils of the machair of the Inner and Outer Hebrides and the west Highlands. The soils are calcareous - which in itself is very rare...
October 10, 2011
Salt marsh occurs in the intertidal zone and has a number of functions including a filter for pollutants, protecting coasts from flooding and providing habitat for a number of salt tolerant species. More recently it has been recognised salt...
October 10, 2011

Carbon cycling (Research Page)

We are collaborating with staff at Oceanlab (Aberdeen University) in a number of projects, mainly involved with carbon cycling, covering both estuaries and the deep sea. This work is fundamental as deep sea sediments cover over half of the earths...
October 10, 2011

Ecosystem functioning (Research Page)

Studies are continuing into land run-off and coastal ecosystem functioning and the subsequent increased turbidity and particle loading in the water column. To better understand the biogeochemical processes occurring in sandy intertidal...
October 10, 2011

Analytical Services (Research Page)

Our Analytical Group carries out a range of analyses on marine and estuarine sediments. We quantify analytes such as heavy/toxic metals, organotin compounds (now banned as antifouling agents on boats) and a range of persistent organic pollutants....
October 10, 2011
This work is examining the potential for increased food production in the Ythan catchment and its likely impacts on meeting nature conservation obligations, using the ecosystem approach. The ecosystem approach is a management tool to conserve our...
October 10, 2011
October 10, 2011
The NCC Sand Dune Survey of Scotland which took place from 1975-1977 has since been digitised and is currently being used for two projects.
October 10, 2011
The East Grampian Coastal Partnership is a group of individuals, with representatives from local authorities, industry, conservation bodies, recreation and tourism groups, local residents and many others with an interest in the future wellbeing of...
October 10, 2011
To optimise the potential of Scotland’s natural assets and provide local responses to global change, we must build on existing work and continually improve our knowledge to support strategic needs and enable well informed decision making....
October 10, 2011
Climate change has the potential to have significant impacts on our coastal communities through increased storm events and sea level rise. An evaluation tool has been developed to compare Scotland’s coastal management policies against...
October 10, 2011
Pathogens from agricultural run-off and sewage effluent are transported to beaches where they can cause non-compliance with bathing water standards. Intensification of livestock-based agriculture and climate change may exacerbate this; with...
October 10, 2011
Public attitudes towards biodiversity and its management are poorly understood, raising concerns over the effectiveness of public participation in biodiversity policy making. Face-to-face interviews were conducted with members of the public to...
October 10, 2011
The link between natural environments and their restoration has been the focus of much research including its importance for human wellbeing. We are carrying out a series of studies looking at community perceptions of renewable energy...
October 10, 2011
Scotland’s natural assets provide a wealth of goods and services which are of benefit to human wellbeing, such as food, fuel, climate regulation and recreation opportunities. To ensure a sustainable future we must balance our economic and...
October 10, 2011
Our work in this area reflects the external pressures Scotland is facing and explores how we can adapt to global changes such as demographic shifts, social attitudes, global trade and climate change. The impacts of which, are generally out with...
September 9, 2011

Research Facilities (Research Page)

September 9, 2011
Illumina Short-read next generation sequencing (NGS) was adopted by the Genomics facility in 2012, with acquisition of an Illumina MiSeq which can generate up to 25 M paired-end reads of 100-300 bp. Recently, we have also installed a NextSeq...
September 9, 2011

Genotyping (Research Page)

To determine the genetic basis for the phenotypic traits of an organism, it is essential to identify the underlying genotype. Although low-throughput assays, such as Simple Sequence Repeats (SSRs), continue to be used and processed at The James...
September 9, 2011

Sequencing (Research Page)

Determination of nucleotide sequences remains an integral component of fundamental genetics and genomics-based research. Small-scale Sanger sequencing has been offered as a service at the site of the James Hutton Institute for over 30 years and...
July 7, 2011
June 6, 2011
A visit to Robert Gordon’s College junior school eco group was made by three James Hutton Institute members of staff on 20 June, 2011. Lorna Dawson gave an overview of our different soils in Scotland and how they provide healthy food, as...
June 6, 2011
April 4, 2011
Lichens are good indicators of air quality as many of them are sensitive to atmospheric pollution. Play the Colonise game to find out what influences lichen survival and assess air quality for yourself using lichens as your guide. With RBGE and...
April 4, 2011
The Virtual Landscape Theatre has often featured in the media or referenced in papers, reports and social media:
April 4, 2011
The Virtual Landscape Theatre is operated by a team at the Aberdeen offices of the James Hutton Institute. They have been responsible for designing, developing and implementing the theatre, 3D models, and programmes of surveys and community and...
April 4, 2011
Meteorological data is captured  at the environmental  monitoring site at Sourhope.  This data is part of a long term monitoring study, Environmental Change Network (ECN), which aims to identify environmental changes and to...
March 3, 2011
Balruddery Research Farm is an 170 ha arable farm located seven miles west of Dundee and between 70 and 124m above sea level on the lower slopes of the Sidlaw Hills. There are 23 fields varying in size from 2.0 ha to 11 ha. The soil is a sandy...
March 3, 2011

Contact Us (Page)

Library address Library & Information Services The James Hutton Institute Craigiebuckler Aberdeen AB15 8QH Tel:  +44 (0)344 928 5428
March 3, 2011
Search the library catalogue (when offsite staff should use their allocated computer usernames to login or to view their loans) Aberdeen library extranet– with links and information to databases including GIS spatial data resources,...
March 3, 2011
Visitors are welcome to use the library by prior arrangement. Please see contact details for both the Aberdeen and Dundee libraries. Our collections exist on more than one site so please let us know in advance what you wish you consult when you...
March 3, 2011
Resources for Schools Barley and Me
March 3, 2011
A development and demonstration virtual reality theatre has been constructed to compliment the mobile Virtual Landscape Theatre. The dimensions and capabilities of the development theatre are the same as the VLT enabling the preparation and...
March 3, 2011
What is it? The Virtual Landscape Theatre (VLT) is a mobile curved screen projection facility, in which people can be 'immersed' in computer models of their environment to explore landscapes of the past, present and future. It is used...
March 3, 2011
Our exciting interactive exhibit (installation) is centred around the challenge of climate change but specifically addressing the idea that we have choices in the ways that we individually and collectively respond to this challenge.
March 3, 2011

Exhibits (Page)

Virtual Landscape Theatre The Virtual Landscape Theatre (VLT) is a mobile curved screen projection facility, in which people can be 'immersed' in computer models of their environment to explore landscapes of the past, present and future...
March 3, 2011

David Miller (Member of Staff)

March 3, 2011

Sandy (Page)

Follow Sandy on Twitter Age: Younger than most Scottish soils Address: By the sea Preferred Occupation: Golfer/crofter Height/Weight: Usually healthy, but height can suddenly change Colour: Yellow
March 3, 2011

Rusty (Page)

Age: Very old but cosmetic surgery has changed his appearance over the years Address: East Scotland Preferred Occupation: Arable farmer Height/Weight: Weight increases with depth. Height depends on his parents, but usually over a...
March 3, 2011

Rocky (Page)

Age: Similar to his deeper characters Address: Anywhere it is rocky, many locations in the West Highlands Preferred Occupation: Almost unemployable, particularly lazy in pasture land Height/Weight: Stunted growth but has a rock...
March 3, 2011

Pete (Page)

Age: A young head on old shoulders Address: Northern Scotland and the Islands Preferred Occupation: Water supplier/whisky distiller/ornithologist Height/Weight: Height varies from 0.5-8 metres; Weight normal but reduces by 90% when...
March 3, 2011

Monty (Page)

Age: Average for Scottish soils, less than 10,000 years Address: On the mountain tops Preferred Occupation: Conservationalist/bird watcher, skier, hill walker Height/Weight: Surprisingly tall despite stony faced exterior. Heavy due...
March 3, 2011

Heather (Page)

Age: Very old, but extremely interesting Address: Eastern and Central Highlands Preferred Occupation: Gamekeeper/forester/ecologist/farmer Height/weight: Very light on top, much heavier below. Usually over a metre tall Colour:...
March 3, 2011

Claude (Page)

Age: Very old but has changed in appearance over the years Address: West Central Scotland   Preferred Occupation:   
March 3, 2011

Ally (Page)

Age:   Younger than most Scottish soils   Address: Along most of our major river courses
March 3, 2011
[jwplayer|config=jhi|file=|image=/sites/default/files/files/Video/screengrabs/soilcharacters-intro.jpg] Starting in 2007, the Institute has been highlighting how...
March 3, 2011

Plant Bioinformatics Group (Research Partners)

This website hosts a range of databases developed by scientists at the Institute including the Arabidopsis Nucleolar Protein Database, Barley and Potato SSRs, Germinate, Wheat InSitu Database, Protein Localisation Database, Barley SNP Database,...
March 3, 2011
The Library and Information Services vision is to support the Institute’s scientists in gathering high quality information effectively so that the Institute may deliver excellent research outputs. We aim to achieve this through the delivery...
March 3, 2011
The Living Field projects aim to enhance public knowledge and awareness of the importance of agriculture and the environment in our daily lives using a wide range of materials, methods and technologies. It includes a community garden, a study...
January 1, 2011
The James Hutton Institute is committed to raising awareness and understanding of science, and crop-based science in particular, to colleges, universities and the general public. The Living Field is an outreach project that consists of a...

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The James Hutton Research Institute is the result of the merger in April 2011 of MLURI and SCRI. This merger formed a new powerhouse for research into food, land use, and climate change.