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LEAF-related publications

Photograph of a plough working at Balruddery Farm
The following selected publications highlight some of our research that relates to LEAF and Integrated Farm Management (IFM) principles.

SCRI LEAF Innovation Centre

PDF file: The SCRI LEAF Innovation Centre (869 KB)
Agro-ecosystem research which develops and promotes sustainable agriculture strategies and policies for Scotland, the UK and Europe. 2004. A.N.E. Birch, B. Boag, A.C. Newton, S.C. Gordon, B. Fenton, G. Malloch, P.D. Hallett, P.P.M. Iannetta, S.E. Stephens, S. Neilson, G.M. Wright, B. Marshall, B.M. McKenzie, G.R. Squire, P. Gill and R.Wheatley. SCRI Annual Report 2004, 107-114.

Cross-Cutting Themes publications

PDF file: Biodiversity Research at SCRI (4.21 MB)
Gavin Ramsay. 2007.

PDF file: Climate Change Research at SCRI (3.64 MB)
Adrian Newton and Peter Gregory. 2007.

PDF file: Sustainability Research at SCRI (4.91 MB)
Cathy Hawes. 2007.

Selected SCRI Annual Report articles

PDF file: Thermal imaging as a tool for studying plant responses to environmental stress (668 KB)
Hamlyn G. Jones, Stefania Pisanu, Pietà G. Schofield and Ilkka Leinonen. 2006. SCRI Annual Report 2006, 48-50.

PDF file: Common wild plants as biodiversity indicators (387 KB)
Pietro Iannetta, Graham Begg, Jane Wishart, Mark Young, Ali Karley, Tracy A. Valentine, Cathy Hawes and Geoff Squire. 2006. SCRI Annual Report 2006, 42-44.

PDF file: Dynamics of root–soil systems (341 KB)
A. Glyn Bengough, Paul D. Hallett, Blair M. McKenzie, Tracy A. Valentine and Nathalie Wuyts. 2006. SCRI Annual Report 2006, 40-41.

PDF file: Predicting virulence behaviour of Globoderapallida populations (201 KB)
M.S. Phillips, M. Elliott, A. Holt, A. Smith, L. Pylypenko, R. Shah, D.J.M. Rodriguez López and V.C. Blok. 2005. SCRI Annual Report 2005, 26-27.

PDF file: Lessons from barley recommended lists (223 KB)
M. Macaulay, J. Russell, L. Ramsay, D.F. Marshall, W. Powell, R. Waugh and W.T.B. Thomas. 2004. SCRI Annual Report 2004, 144-145.

Learning & Resources

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The James Hutton Research Institute is the result of the merger in April 2011 of MLURI and SCRI. This merger formed a new powerhouse for research into food, land use, and climate change.