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SAC Consulting Summer Meeting at Glensaugh Farm

Public event
14 July 2017, 12-7pm
at Glensaugh Farm, Laurencekirk, AB30 1HB
for sheep farmers, researchers and anyone interested in sheep farming
Working with sheep at Glensaugh (c) James Hutton Institute

SAC Consulting are currently delivering a three-year Scottish Government Rural Development funded KTIF (Knowledge Transfer Innovation Fund) project aimed at reducing lamb losses on Scottish farms. The project team are working with six focus farms around the main sheep areas of Scotland.

Donald Barrie and his staff at the James Hutton Institute’s Glensaugh Farm have recorded the lowest lamb losses in the focus farm group - only 8% lamb mortality from scanning to sale in 2016. We will discuss the figures alongside stocking rate and lamb growth rate to understand what the team are doing right and how they can push the system further.

Come to the meeting and see:

  • Weaned lambs on rotational grazing
  • Cull ewes grazing behind the lambs
  • Lamb handling system and Electronic Identification management

The event will finish up with a technical PowerPoint and discussion session covering trace element nutrition and proactive health planning with Heather Stevenson and Marion McMillan from SAC Consulting Vets, Karen Stewart from SAC Consulting and Sinead Sullivan of MSD.

This meeting is open to all; please register attendance with Val Angus on  01835 823322 or email Please wear clean boots for biosecurity.

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The James Hutton Research Institute is the result of the merger in April 2011 of MLURI and SCRI. This merger formed a new powerhouse for research into food, land use, and climate change.