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August 8, 2021
Researchers from the James Hutton Institute are calling on livestock farmers and vets in the UK to help develop a greater understanding of the use of on farm anti-microbials. It is widely believed that overuse and improper use of anti-...
September 9, 2020
A new diagnostic technique has been developed by Scottish scientists to help in the early detection of sheep scab, marking a significant development towards improved monitoring and control of the parasite. This was made possible through an...
April 4, 2020
A Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) between the James Hutton Institute and Davidsons Animal Feeds aiming to explore seaweed-based feeds, with associated benefits in terms of meat quality and a reduced carbon footprint, has been shortlisted for...
October 10, 2019
A new partnership between the James Hutton Institute and SRUC will put practical skills into the hands of future farmers. Students studying agriculture at national certificate and degree level at SRUC’s Aberdeen campus will now complete...
September 9, 2019
A new Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) involving the James Hutton Institute and Davidsons Animal Feeds is exploring the possibilities of protein-rich UK seaweeds to replace some currently used ingredients in the production of ruminant animal...
August 8, 2019
Rewilding in the Scottish uplands could take decades without the intervention of land managers, a new long-term grazing experiment at Glen Finglas has shown. The experiment, the first of its kind in Scotland, was set up in 2002 to explore how...
December 12, 2018
  What is the story with woodlands in the Cairngorms National Park? Or should we say, what are the stories, as there are many threads of stories of actual, former or speculative woodlands weaving in and out that make this area what it...
March 3, 2018
Come and spend a fun family day at Glensaugh Farm! The Institute will be taking part in Open Farm Sunday 2018 on 10 June.
September 9, 2017
Research projects aiming to provide land managers with alternatives for efficient land management of upland systems will be presented at an event titled "The Challenge of Marginal Land: efficient utilisation of the managed natural...
August 8, 2017
Glensaugh and three other research farms managed by the James Hutton Institute provide a valuable long term platform to meet the research needs of the Scottish Government's Strategic Research Programme.
July 7, 2017
SAC Consulting are currently delivering a three-year Scottish Government Rural Development funded KTIF (Knowledge Transfer Innovation Fund) project aimed at reducing lamb losses on Scottish farms. The project team are working with six focus farms...
March 3, 2017
Common grazings cover 6% of Scotland, supporting High Nature Value habitats like upland grasslands, and a distinct culture of crofting and traditional hill grazing. But declining agricultural incomes and demographic change have meant a retreat...
October 10, 2016
The contribution crofters and island farmers make to managing land of high nature value will be the focus of a short film and following panel discussion planned for 7.30 pm on Thursday 10th November in the Aros centre, Portree on Skye.
March 3, 2015
A study carried out over a 10-year period by ecologists at the James Hutton Institute and the universities of Hull and Aberdeen has shown that grazing a mixture of sheep and cattle, at low intensity, is the best approach for maintaining...

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The James Hutton Research Institute is the result of the merger in April 2011 of MLURI and SCRI. This merger formed a new powerhouse for research into food, land use, and climate change.