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Stanislav Martinat

Staff picture: Stanislav Martinat
Social, Economic and Geographical Sciences
Social, Economic and Geographical Sciences
Social Scientist in Sustainable Land Management
+44 (0)344 928 5428 (*)

The James Hutton Institute
Aberdeen AB15 8QH
Scotland UK


Stanislav was a researcher in geography in the Social, Economic and Geographical Sciences Department (the Environmental Governance and Land Management Group). He had an educational background in human geography and an experience in interdisciplinary research. In his PhD thesis (2015) he studied how farmers, farms and rural areas are adapting to the ongoing energy transition. His previous positions involve Cardiff University (School of Geography and Planning), Aston University (Energy and Bioproduct Research Institute), and Arizona State University (School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning). He was awarded by Fulbiright Fellowship (2016-2017) and MSCA Cofund Fellowship  (2018-2020). Stanislav was interested in social and spatial consequences of planning and operation of sustainable bioenergy systems and especially in the links with the recent changes in agriculture both in Scotland, Wales, Central Europe and around the world. He was also keen on learning more about the low-carbon re-use options for abandoned farms and rural wastelands. 

Sadly, Stan passed away in August 2023. We miss him greatly.

Current research interests

Stanislav was a member of the project team contributing to the Scottish Government’s Strategic Research Programme (2016 – 2021), funded by the Rural and Environment Science and Analytical Services (RESAS) Division. He also contributed to the Scottish Government’s Strategic Research Programme (2022 – 2027) where he specialised in farmer intentions, on-farm renewable energy, natural capital and land use change.

Stanislav was lucky publish his research on sustainable brownfield regeneration, sustainable bioenergy systems, urban renewal and socio-spatial differentiation of post-industrial cities. He was very much interested in regional and local development possibilities for left behind places, especially in the Czech Republic and widely in Central Europe, where he was originally from. More about his research can be found here Standa Martinat (



  • Nijnik, M.; Miller, D.; Martino, S.; Poskitt, S.; Joyce, K.; Martinat, S.; Wang, C.; McKeen, M. (2024) Incorporating participatory assessment methods into natural capital valuation, Abstract submitted for the session on “Innovation in valuation and governing of forest ES to strengthen forest resilience and create pathways to societal impacts” The IUFRO 2024 World Congress, 23-29 June 2024, Stockholm
  • K. Kazak, J.; Chodkowska-Miszczuk, J.; Chrobak, G.; Martinat, S.; Mrówczyńska, M. (2023) Creditors vs debtors of renewable energy sources Towards spatial patterns of sustainable energy transition in Poland, Congress of Polish Geography, 31 May - 3 June 2023, Poznań
  • Willaarts, B.; Milliken, S.; Caucci, S.; Okzul, Z.; Girotto, F.; Martinat, S. (2023) Water, Energy, Food and Ecosystems NEXUS Gaps and opportunities to increase the policy impact of nexus research in Europe, Water, Energy, Food and Ecosystems NEXUS: Gaps and opportunities to increase the policy impact of nexus research in Europe, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria
  • Chodkowska-Miszczuk, J.; Verma, P.; Kuziemkowska, S.; Martinat, S.; Lewandowska, A. (2023) Perceptions of renewables a behavioural trigger of rural energy transition in the context of green deal concepts implementation, 30th Annual Colloquium Commission on the Sustainability of Rural Systems (CSRS) International Geographical Union (IGU) CLASHES OF KNOWLEDGE: "Green deal" concepts and challenges for sustainable rural systems 5-9 June 2023, Lodz, Poland
  • Patil, I.; Martinat, S.; Waylen, K.; Martino, S. (2023) Natural capital thinking in policy making a review of international cases, RESAS Science, Evidence and Policy Conference, 18 May 2023, Our Dynamic Earth, Edinburgh
  • Nijnik, M.; Miller, D.; Valero, D.; Melnykovych, M.; Wilson, R.; Hopkins, J.; Martinat, S.; Brnkalakova, S.; Kluvankova, T. (2023) Empowering marginalised mountain communities to act for change , CANSEE2023 BY DESIGN NOT DISASTER: Grounding Economies During Uncertain Times, 11-13 October 2023, York University, Toronto, Canada
  • Nijnik, M.; Miller, D.; Martino, S.; Martinat, S.; Waylen, K.; Wang, C.; McKeen, M.; Gimona, A.; Rivington, M.; Ovando, P. (2022) Incorporating participatory assessment methods into natural capital valuation, 4th ESP Europe Conference, 10-14 October 2022, Heraklion, Crete.
  • Nijnik, M.; Martino, S.; Martinat, S.; McKeen, M.; Wang, C.; Miller, D. (2022) Safeguarding forest natural assets by incorporating participatory approaches to natural capital valuation, International IUFRO Symposium. Managerial forest economics and accounting as a base for decision making in a changing world, 5-7 September 2022, Hamburg, Germany
  • Nijnik, M.; Martinat, S.; McKeen, M.; Wang, C.; Miller, D. (2022) Safeguarding forest natural assets by incorporating participatory approaches to natural capital valuation , IUFRO Div. 4.05 Conference, 5-7 September 2022, Hamburg, Germany

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The James Hutton Research Institute is the result of the merger in April 2011 of MLURI and SCRI. This merger formed a new powerhouse for research into food, land use, and climate change.