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Mhairi Coyle

Staff picture: Mhairi Coyle
Environmental and Biochemical Sciences
Environmental and Biochemical Sciences
Greenhouse Gas and Carbon Dynamics Researcher

The James Hutton Institute
Aberdeen AB15 8QH
Scotland UK


My area of expertise is in measuring and modelling the deposition, concentrations and trends of ground-level ozone and other gases although I have worked in other areas including acid deposition and NH3 exchange. I have also worked with a Chemical Ionisation Mass Spectrometer (CIMS) to measure various different species and assist with instrumentation for field sites and campaigns.

I joined the James Hutton Institute in June 2018 to work on greenhouse gas dynamics, with a focus on peatbogs across Scotland. We help run four eddy-covariance flux towers in the Flow Country, all within the RSPB Forisnard reserve. The sites represent peatland in various condition from an undisturbed site to one that was only recently felled and the planation forest removed. At the moment all four measure CO2 and H2O flux while two also have a Ch4 analyser, the plans for 2019 include adding another Ch4 analyser at the undisturbed site.

Past research

Coyle Mhairi; Cape John N.; Flechard Chris; Fowler David; Helfter Carole; Jones Matthew; Kentisbeer John; Leeson Sarah R.; Leith Ian D.; Mullinger Neil; Nemitz Eiko; Roberts Elin; Simmons Ivan; Storeton-West Robert; Twigg Marsailidh; van Dijk Netty; 2018, Meteorological measurements at Auchencorth Moss from 1995 to 2016. Geoscience Data Journal

Finco Angelo; Coyle Mhairi; Nemitz Eiko; Marzuoli Riccardo; Chiesa Maria; Loubet Benjamin; Fares Silvano; Diaz-Pines Eugenio; Gasche Rainer; Gerosa Giacomo; 2018, Characterization of ozone deposition to a mixed oak–hornbeam forest – flux measurements at five levels above and inside the canopy and their interactions with nitric oxide. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 18, 17945-17961

Cowan N.; Helfter C.; Langford B.; Coyle M.; Levy P.; Moxley J.; Simmons I.; Leeson S.; Nemitz E.; Skiba U.; 2018, Seasonal fluxes of carbon monoxide from an intensively grazed grassland in Scotland. Atmospheric Environment, 194, 170-178

Song Ling; Liu Xuejun; Skiba Ute; Zhu Bo; Zhang Xifeng; Liu Meiyu; Twigg Marsailidh; Shen Jianlin; Dore Anthony; Reis Stefan; Coyle Mhairi; Zhang Wen; Levy Peter; Fowler David; 2017, Ambient concentrations and deposition rates of selected reactive nitrogen species and their contribution to PM2.5 aerosols at three locations with contrasting land use in southwest China. Environmental Pollution

Jones Stephanie K.; Helfter Carole; Anderson Margaret; Coyle Mhairi; Campbell Claire; Famulari Daniela; Di Marco Chiara; van Dijk Netty; Tang Y. Sim; Topp Cairistiona F.E.; Kiese Ralf; Kindler Reimo; Siemens Jan; Schrumpf Marion; Kaiser Klaus; Nemitz Eiko; Levy Peter E.; Rees Robert M.; Sutton Mark A.; Skiba Ute M.; 2017, The nitrogen, carbon and greenhouse gas budget of a grazed, cut and fertilised temperate grassland. Biogeosciences, 14, 2069-2088

Malley Christopher S.; Cape J. Neil; Jones Matthew R.; Leeson Sarah R.; Coyle Mhairi; Braban Christine F.; Heal Mathew R.; Twigg Marsailidh M.; 2016, Regional and hemispheric influences on measured spring peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) mixing ratios at the Auchencorth UK EMEP supersite. 174-175, 135-141

Hayes Felicity; Mills Gina; Jones Laurence; Abbott John; Ashmore Mike; Barnes Jeremy; Cape J. Neil; Coyle Mhairi; Peacock Simon; Rintoul Naomi; Toet Sylvia; Wedlich Kerstin; Wyness Kirsten; 2016, Consistent ozone-induced decreases in pasture forage quality across several grassland types and consequences for UK lamb production. 543, 336-346

Hewitt D.K.L.; Mills G.; Hayes F.; Norris D.; Coyle M.; Wilkinson S.; Davies W.; 2016, N-fixation in legumes – an assessment of the potential threat posed by ozone pollution. 208, 909-918

Fowler D.; Steadman C.E.; Stevenson D.; Coyle M.; Rees R.M.; Skiba U.M.; Sutton M.A.; Cape J.N.; Dore A.J.; Vieno M.; Simpson D.; Zaehle S.; Stocker B.D.; Rinaldi M.; Facchini M.C.; Flechard C.R.; Nemitz E.; Twigg M.; Erisman J.W.; Butterbach-Bahl K.; Galloway J.N.; 2015, Effects of global change during the 21st century on the nitrogen cycle. 15, 13849-13893


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The James Hutton Research Institute is the result of the merger in April 2011 of MLURI and SCRI. This merger formed a new powerhouse for research into food, land use, and climate change.