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Jonathan Hopkins

Staff picture: Jonathan Hopkins
Social, Economic and Geographical Sciences
Social, Economic and Geographical Sciences
Research Scientist
+44 (0)1224 395312

The James Hutton Institute
Aberdeen AB15 8QH
Scotland UK


Jonathan is a geographer working within the SEGS group at the James Hutton Institute. Jonathan's undergraduate and postgraduate background is in physical geography, including risk perception and responses to flash flooding. Since joining the James Hutton Institute in 2013, most of Jonathan's work has been in the subject areas of social and economic development, and farm changes and diversification. He has also contributed to research on natural flood risk management, using interviews and survey analysis, and has been involved in spatial and quantitative analysis for a range of other projects.

Current research interests

Jonathan is currently contributing to work within the RESAS Strategic Research Programme (2016-2021), including research projects on demographic change in remote areas, place-based policy and implications for policy and service delivery, and changes taking place on Scotland's farms.This work has included analysis related to Scotland's sparsely populated areas, and developing small area indicators of wellbeing. He has also worked on several projects for other funders: some outputs from these are included below.


  • Creaney, R.; Blackstock, K.; Flanigan, S.; Hopkins, J.; Miller, D.; Matthews, K. (2022) Idealising the Rural: The Role of Scottish Mountains in Promoting the Scottish Whisky Brand, Rural Imaginations Conference, 24-26 August 2022, Amsterdam.
  • Flanigan, S.; Blackstock, K.; Creaney, R.; Hopkins, J.; Matthews, K.; Miller, D. (2022) Assembling whisky production and consumption for rural resilinece A value chains case study in Speyside, Scotland, ODT Forum, 19-21 October 2022, Jura, Switzerland
  • Flanigan, S.; Blackstock, K.; Creaney, R.; Hopkins, J.; Matthews, K.; Miller, D. (2022) Assembling whisky production and consumption for rural resilience A value chains case study in Speyside, Scotland, ESRS Scottish Satellite Event, 20-23 June 2022, Birnam
  • Hopkins, J. (2019) Analysing and mapping the evidence base for place-based policy in Scotland., Presentation at Scottish Consortium for Rural Research Mini-Conference: Rural Science for Public Good: Sharing our best ideas, Inverness, 13 November 2019.
  • Hopkins, J.; Atterton, A.; Copus, A.; Wilson, R. (2019) How can we improve the evidence base for place-based policy making?, Presentation, 17th Rural Entrepreneurship Conference, Inverness, 17-19 June 2019.
  • Holstead, K.L.; Waylen, K.A.; Colley, K.; Hopkins, J. (2015) Challenges of doing something new: barriers to natural flood management., Presentation at the World Water Conference, Edinburgh, 25-29 May 2015.

  • Hopkins, J.; Schurch, N.; Martinez Sanchez, G.; Currie, M.; Farinelli, V. (2023) Can we understand the ‘Wellbeing Economy’ by Measuring ‘Inclusive Growth’ Insights from a Granular Analysis within Scotland, UK, Presented at Regional Studies Association Annual Conference, 14-17 June 2023, Ljubljana, Slovenia and Online
  • Nijnik, M.; Miller, D.; Valero, D.; Melnykovych, M.; Wilson, R.; Hopkins, J.; Martinat, S.; Brnkalakova, S.; Kluvankova, T. (2023) Empowering marginalised mountain communities to act for change , CANSEE2023 BY DESIGN NOT DISASTER: Grounding Economies During Uncertain Times, 11-13 October 2023, York University, Toronto, Canada
  • Hopkins, J.; Maclean, L. (2022) Changing spaces from the bottom up understanding emerging community adaptations to Covid19, Presentation to session '366: Geographies of Covid-19' at Royal Geographical Society with IBG Annual International Conference, 2 September 2022, Newcastle.
  • Hopkins, J.; Piras, S.; Kapour, G. (2022) How could a net zero economy impact rural demography? Insights from a regional model for Scotland, Presentation to session 'Online-G03-O2 Demographic Change, Population, Migration and Mobility Behaviour', European Regional Studies Association Congress, 22 August 2022, Pécs, Hungary.
  • Barlagne, C.; Calo, A.; Holstead, K.; Hopkins, J.; Sutherland, L-A.; Matthews, K.B.; Miller, D.; Wardell-Johnson, D.; Barnes, A.; McMillan, J.; Spencer, M.; Thomson, S.; Toma, L. (2020) Farm Intentions Survey: Outputs and ongoing research from our work on rural industries., Key Rural Industries - WP2.4, End of Year Workshop, Saughton House, Edinburgh, 12 March 2020. (Poster and discussions with Scottish Government stakeholders).
  • Hopkins, J.; Copus, A. (2017) A return to population decline? Demographic change in sparsely populated Scotland, 1991-2046., The James Hutton Institute Annual Research Symposium, Bonar Hall, Dundee, 22 November 2017. (Poster)
  • Slee, W.; Hopkins, J. (2013) The creative class in Scotland : a positive force in rural development., Theme 8 Strategic Programme Event, Birnam, October 2013.

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The James Hutton Research Institute is the result of the merger in April 2011 of MLURI and SCRI. This merger formed a new powerhouse for research into food, land use, and climate change.