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Jean Boucher

Staff picture: Jean Boucher
Information and Computational Sciences
Information and Computational Sciences
Senior Research Scientist and Fellow in Land Use and Societal Metabolism
+44 (0)344 928 5428 (*)

The James Hutton Institute
Aberdeen AB15 8QH
Scotland UK


I am a Macaulay Development Trust Fellow in Land Use and Societal Metabolism (here at The James Hutton Institute in Aberdeen, Scotland). I am developing Hutton's research capacities in societal metabolism and using this method to examine the Scottish Government’s conceptions of Green Recovery and Net Zero, and analysing how these objectives are both communicated and finally assessed.


  • For a video presentation of my work at Hutton, click here: Systems@Hutton
  • For a PowerPoint presentation given at the Beyond Oil Conference in Bergen, Norway, on 18 Oct. 2023, see here: PowerPoint

Current research interests

Currently, my research focuses on how Scottish and UK Government’s conceptions of “Green Recovery”—efforts to rebuild economies in a more environmentally sustainable way after the COVID-19 pandemic--are framed, communicated, and quantitatively measured. Additionally, I am developing Hutton’s research capacities in societal metabolic analyses, specifically by using Multi-Scale Integrated Analysis of Societal and Ecosystem Metabolism (MuSIASEM). This methodology, developed by environmental scientists Mario Giampietro and Kozo Mayumi, provides a framework for analysing the complex interactions between human societies and ecosystems.





  • Rivington, M.; Matthews, K.; Gimona, A.; Boucher, J. (2023) Putting Scotland in the context of global Shared Socioeconomic Pathways to inform Land Use Transformations for Net Zero and Resilience C3 Land Use Transformations Milestone M13 Shared Socioeconomic Pathway Scenario Analysis, Milestone report submitted to RESAS.

  • Boucher, J.; Matthews, K. (2023) Why does the world need societal metabolic analyses Introducing MuSIASEM MultiScale Integrated Analysis of Societal and Ecosystem Metabolism, Poster displayed at the 44th TB Macaulay Lecture: a safe and just future for humanity on earth by Professor Johan Rockstrom, 18 October 2023, Edinburgh, UK

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The James Hutton Research Institute is the result of the merger in April 2011 of MLURI and SCRI. This merger formed a new powerhouse for research into food, land use, and climate change.