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DICE – Developing an Interdisciplinary Culture of Excellence

Project aim

The primary aim of the DICE project is to improve our understanding of interdisciplinary science within the James Hutton Institute and build capacity to undertake interdisciplinary research. It is funded through the James Hutton Institute's Seedcorn Funding and runs from October 2012 until March 2014.

Project objectives

To explore existing understandings, attitudes,and perceived challenges relating to interdisciplinarity, and identify opportunities for greater levels of interdisciplinary working at the James Hutton Institute. To synthesise lessons learned from leading international institutions, organisations and initiatives on interdisciplinarity, from academic literature, grey literature, experts, and parallel efforts and initiatives to promote interdisciplinary research and synthesis. To disseminate our findings on understandings, attitudes, perceived views of practices and challenges of interdisciplinary research, within and beyond the institute.


Research methods have included workshops, interviews with Institute leaders and external stakeholders, survey of James Hutton Institute staff, and literature reviews.


All findings are compiled in our report. DICE also organised a follow on workshop, "Working together for better outcomes" (WT4BO) in Edinburgh in March 2015. The briefing note for participants summarises our findings on 5 pages. Together with many of the participants we developed three guidance notes. They are

1) Funding interdisciplinary research: improving practices and processes
2) Working together for better outcomes: good practice for interdisciplinary researchers
3) Working together for better outcomes: the role of research partnerships

Staff involved

Kit MacLeod, Katrin Prager, Sue Morris and Mags Currie

Project Information
Project Type: 
Archived Project


Areas of Interest

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The James Hutton Research Institute is the result of the merger in April 2011 of MLURI and SCRI. This merger formed a new powerhouse for research into food, land use, and climate change.