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Climate-positive spirit family grows with Nàdar Vodka

New vodka Nàdar is Arbikie's second climate-positive spirit
"The positive impacts exceed even those of free fertiliser, high protein feeds, tasty beverages, and carbon footprint – as if that was not enough"

Coinciding with their launch of World Sustainable Spirits Day today (Fri 28th August), Scottish distillery Arbikie has introduced a second addition to their climate-positive spirit range: Nàdar Vodka, crafted from the pea-based spirit originally developed for Nàdar Gin, which avoids more carbon dioxide emissions than it creates with a carbon saving of over 1.53 kg CO2e per bottle.

This new spirit was created by master distiller and PhD student Kirsty Black, after five years of extensive research with top scientists at Abertay University and the James Hutton Institute. It derives its environmental performance from the humble garden pea which needs no synthetic nitrogen fertilizer, the pea starch allowing spirit production, and the high coproduct avoiding reliance on imported protein animal feeds.

The single-estate distiller controls the growing, distilling, and bottling process, which ensures exceptional provenance and traceability.

Kirsty said: “We’re always looking to think differently, and by aligning our distillery production with the activity of the farm, we are using our knowledge of growing, and the vagaries of the changing Scottish climate, and indeed how these factors impact our growing season, to produce the finest spirits from some of the best agricultural land in the country.

By shifting our focus to reducing climate change and biodiversity loss we not only want to minimise our impact on the environment, but also inspire and demonstrate to others the potential options available and how they might take advantage of these challenges.”

Kirsty’s PhD co-supervisor Dr Pete Iannetta, an agroecologist at the James Hutton Institute, commented: “It's tremendous working with a multidisciplinary team from across the value chain to deliver positive real-world impacts”.

"The positive impacts exceed even those of free fertiliser, high protein feeds, tasty beverages, and carbon footprint – as if that was not enough. Peas are now cropped by Arbikie Farm at levels way above the low national average, and they can boast more-sustainable crop rotations - delivering highest productivity with lowest synthetic nitrogen fertiliser use. This helps raise water- and soil-qualities at home too”.

Director at Arbikie Distillery, Iain Stirling, commented: “Arbikie is focused on becoming one of the world’s most sustainable distilleries, as both farmers and distillers we are in an ideal position to grow & distil our family of sustainable spirits.

“Sustainable products, particularly in the area of food and drink, are undoubtedly the future, and they will be the major economic driving force in the years to come, not just in Scotland, but across the world. We are fortunate to have such a wonderful environment from which we can produce the highest quality of spirits, and we’re proud to play a part at the vanguard of what is becoming a global movement.”

The launch of Nàdar Vodka falls on Arbikie’s World Sustainable Spirits Day, launched to reinforce the importance of reducing “spirit-miles”, operating in a sustainable and ethical manner whilst taking responsibility for the impact we have on our planet. World Sustainable Spirits Day will connect and encourage those in the Food and Drinks Industry to become as sustainable as possible.

Notes to editors

The environmental impact assessment reported here was carried out in collaboration with an international network with TRUE partners and was led by Dr David Styles of the University of Bangor and National University of Ireland Galway, in partnership with Trinity College Dublin.

The research project TRUE (TRansition paths to sUstainable legume-based systems in Europe) is coordinated by Dr Iannetta and has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 727973.

Press and media enquiries: 

Bernardo Rodriguez-Salcedo, Media Manager, James Hutton Institute, Tel: +44 (0)1224 395089 (direct line), +44 (0)344 928 5428 (switchboard) or +44 (0)7791 193918 (mobile).

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The James Hutton Research Institute is the result of the merger in April 2011 of MLURI and SCRI. This merger formed a new powerhouse for research into food, land use, and climate change.