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Film screening: Queen of the Sun - What are the Bees telling us?

Public event
18 March 2019, doors open 6.30pm, film begins 7pm
at The James Hutton Institute, Craigiebuckler, Aberdeen
for any member of staff or the general public
 Queen of the Sun

We are pleased to invite you to a free screening of the ‘Queen of the Sun – What are the Bees telling us?’ which is an alternative look at the global bee crisis from Taggart Siegel. Doors open 6.30pm, film begins 7pm.

The film will take you on a journey through the catastrophic disappearance of bees and the mysterious world of the beehive. This engaging and ultimately uplifting film weaves an unusual and dramatic story of the heartfelt struggles of beekeepers, scientists and philosophers from around the world including Michael Pollan, Gunther Hauk and Vandana Shiva. Together they reveal both the problems and the solutions in renewing a culture in balance with nature.

Following the film, a panel including James Hutton Institute scientists will discuss their own work in relation to the film and highlight simple actions you can do to help bees and other insects in the north east of Scotland.

If interested please register here

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The James Hutton Research Institute is the result of the merger in April 2011 of MLURI and SCRI. This merger formed a new powerhouse for research into food, land use, and climate change.