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April 4, 2023

Tim Pittaway (Member of Staff)

Tim is a Social Researcher in Rural Digitalisation within James Hutton Institute, working in the Social, Economic and Geographical Sciences Group (SEGS) department. SEGS represents the fields of economics, geography, politics, sociology,...
March 3, 2023
Join scientists at the James Hutton Institute in Dundee on Thursday 27th July for the 2023 edition of Fruit for the Future, the annual showcase of soft fruit research including scientific presentations, outdoor demonstrations, walks through...
March 3, 2023
Scotland’s water sector leaders, from academia to industry and government, will gather in Edinburgh tomorrow [22nd March ] to discuss how Scottish innovation and cooperation can safeguard global water sustainability and resilience. The...
December 12, 2022
Researchers from The James Hutton Institute in Aberdeen are collaborating on a new project led by the University of Stirling to explore how pollution and climate change are impacting freshwater ecosystems. The study, MOT4Rivers, will...
November 11, 2022
Researchers from the James Hutton Institute will form a partnership with a project team aiming to develop a framework for an eco-directed formulary that will incorporate environmental data on medicines into the prescribing process, alongside...
November 11, 2022
This release was issued by the Dee Catchment Partnership:
August 8, 2022
An international partnership of blue carbon experts from the James Hutton Institute, the University of St Andrews, the Norwegian Geological Survey, and University College Dublin has been awarded funding under the Blue Carbon International Policy...
August 8, 2022
Researchers from the James Hutton Institute and the University of Aberdeen have worked with The Glenlivet distillery to introduce environmentally sustainable solutions at Chivas Brothers’ Speyside distillery to address water scarcity and...
August 8, 2022
The James Hutton Institute has announced the retirement of Professor Bob Ferrier following 37 years of service. Professor Ferrier contributed widely across Institute activities as a respected member of the Executive team and Director of the...
June 6, 2022
Nature-based Solutions (NbS) are seen as a key focus for managing nature, to tackle some of the major societal challenges associated with the climate and biodiversity crises.
May 5, 2022
Research by James Hutton Institute and Heriot-Watt University scientists has carried out the first review of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in Scotland’s waters.
March 3, 2022
Scotland’s Centre of Expertise for Waters, the Hydro Nation International Centre and the James Hutton Institute joined the annual global celebration of World Water Day with a call to realise the benefits of Scotland’s waters, during...
March 3, 2022
A study carried out by researchers at Glasgow Caledonian University (GCU), with the James Hutton Institute and the Environmental Research Institute (University of the Highlands and Islands) delivered the first national assessment of the emerging...
March 3, 2022
Join scientists at the James Hutton Institute in Dundee on Thursday 21 July for the 2022 edition of Fruit for the Future, the annual showcase of soft fruit research including scientific presentations, outdoors demonstrations and walks through...
February 2, 2022
MERLIN stands for Mainstreaming Ecological Restoration of freshwater-related ecosystems in a Landscape context: INnovation, upscaling and transformation. MERLIN is a European Horizon 2020 project (2021-2025) with 44 partner organisations across...
January 1, 2022
Beavers could make an important contribution to improving the condition of Scotland’s rivers, including helping to improve water quality and limiting the effects of drought, new research from the University of Aberdeen and the James Hutton...
January 1, 2022
Society needs to re-think its relationship with the natural world if we are to avoid the worst consequences of climate change and pandemics, the James Hutton Institute has urged in the 2022 episode of BBC Scotland’s Resolutions programme...
November 11, 2021
The Dee Catchment Partnership, a collective of organisations tasked with looking after the river Dee catchment in north east Scotland, has won the Nature and Climate Action award at the RSPB Nature of Scotland Awards. The highest accolade for...
November 11, 2021
Global water security is under increasing threat through the impacts of climate change, generating increased societal, environmental, and economic risk for communities. A new book launched for COP26, “Water Security Under Climate Change...
September 9, 2021
The partnership in charge of looking after the river Dee catchment in north east Scotland is a finalist in the Nature of Scotland Awards. Shortlisted for the Climate Action Award, the Hutton-supported Dee Catchment Partnership has been recognised...
August 8, 2021
An estimated £1.2 billion of Scotland’s buildings, transport infrastructure, cultural and natural heritage may be at risk of coastal erosion by 2050, according to new research funded by the Centre of Expertise for Waters (CREW), a...
August 8, 2021
Large-scale conservation work across the Dee catchment has been given the green light thanks to a major cash injection of over half a million pounds. A variety of projects comprising floodplain restoration, woodland expansion and peatland...
July 7, 2021
Join scientists at the James Hutton Institute in Dundee on Thursday 15th July for the 2021 edition of Fruit for the Future, the annual showcase of soft fruit research including scientific presentations, outdoors demonstrations and walks through...
June 6, 2021
The partnership tasked with looking after the River Dee catchment has published a summary of its achievements over the last 15 years and is seeking public comment on priorities for future projects. Established in 2003 with the support of the...
May 5, 2021
The partnership tasked with looking after the river Dee catchment in north east Scotland is a finalist in the Inspiring Aberdeenshire Awards. Shortlisted for the Beautiful Aberdeenshire Environmental Award, the Dee Catchment Partnership’s...
April 4, 2021
Substantial cuts in global greenhouse gas emissions could be achieved by raising water levels in agricultural peatlands, according to a new study co-authored by James Hutton Institute scientists and published in the journal Nature. Peatlands...
March 3, 2021
What is the true value of water in Scotland and what does it mean to you? On Monday 22nd March, the Hydro Nation International Centre, supported by the Scottish Government and the James Hutton Institute are hosting a free online celebration of...
January 1, 2021
2021 is the United Nations' International Year of Fruits and Vegetables, bringing public attention to the key role of fruit and vegetables in human nutrition, food security and health – all key strands of work at the James Hutton...
December 12, 2020
River corridors exemplify places in busy farmed landscapes where researchers and land managers can use environmental measures for multiple benefits. These areas often fringe the main working points of the farm but are important interface zones...
November 11, 2020
Scotland boasts a hugely varied coastline and a rich offering of inland waters in both rural and urban settings which host an amazing array of riches, come in all shapes and sizes, and are greatly valued and cherished by communities and visitors...
November 11, 2020
We hear about ‘climate change’ and ‘biodiversity loss’ all the time these days. We hear considerably less about how to tackle them, so it’s time to shout about a project that does just that. The restoration of the...
November 11, 2020
A new hydrological study co-authored by James Hutton Institute PhD student Camilla Negri and colleagues based in Italy has shown that winter flooding, the application of water onto agricultural lands to recharge groundwater aquifers during...
October 10, 2020
Research supported by Scotland’s Centre of Expertise for Waters (CREW) has successfully pinpointed fragments of coronavirus’ ribonucleic acid (RNA) in local waste water samples across the country. Scientists at the Scottish...
September 9, 2020
A straightened burn in Deeside will be restored to a meandering stream channel this month, in a bid to enrich habitats for wildlife and improve the natural environment.
August 8, 2020
The latest UK climate projections show a trend towards drier and warmer summers, with the west of Scotland set to become wetter and the east drier, plus more frequent instances of heavy rainfall. New research by the James Hutton Institute shows...
August 8, 2020
British and Indian experts are joining forces to investigate the impact that releasing antibiotics from antibiotic manufacturing into India’s waterways has on the spread of potentially fatal drug-resistant infections. An estimated 58,000...
June 6, 2020
Research funded by Scotland’s Centre of Expertise for Waters (CREW) is examining the potential of wastewater testing to help monitor the spread of coronavirus in Scotland.
June 6, 2020
Professor Bob Ferrier, Director of Scotland's Hydro Nation International Centre at the James Hutton Institute, has appeared in OOSKAnews' latest aquaNOW Audience to discuss how HNIC is aiming to bring together a critical mass of the...
April 4, 2020
The award-winning film Thank You For The Rain was the focus of the James Hutton Institute’s first ever collective 'online' film screening on the 6th of April, highlighting a range of issues including climate justice, urbanisation...
March 3, 2020
To mark World Water Day, the James Hutton Institute has taken part in an aquaNOW Audience on the topic of 'Water and the Climate Crisis'. aquaNOW Audiences are interactive panel discussions, produced by OOSKAnews, engaging international...
February 2, 2020
A new report by Scotland’s Centre of Expertise for Waters (CREW), highlights the profound and long-lasting impacts of flooding on individuals, businesses and communities in Scotland.
January 1, 2020
2020 is the International Year of Plant Health and Scotland’s Year of Coasts and Waters, bringing public attention to two huge global challenges and for good reason, say scientists at the James Hutton Institute.
November 11, 2019
Professor Bob Ferrier, Director of Scotland’s Centre of Expertise for Waters and honorary chair at the University of Dundee's Social Sciences School, and Professor Marian Scott, Professor of Environmental Statistics at the University of...
October 10, 2019
A new report commissioned by the Centre of Expertise for Waters (CREW) estimates that the restoration of native oyster beds in Scotland has the potential to give a £3.5m boost to the UK economy and create jobs in some of the most...
October 10, 2019
A blog created in celebration of Deeside’s wildlife, and Inspired by the BBC’s ‘Watches’ series has been launched by the Dee Catchment Partnership. “DeeWatch”, aims to encourage locals to explore Deeside by...
September 9, 2019
Soils delay runoff, store and redistribute water and provide a supply of moisture for plant growth. These soil functions are fundamental for the understanding of how pollutants travel from land to waters and to evaluate ecosystem services. Dr...
September 9, 2019
The James Hutton Institute has hosted the first of a new series of aquaNOW Audiences on the topic of 'The Philosophy of a Hydro Nation'. aquaNOW Audiences are interactive panel discussions, produced by OOSKAnews, engaging international...
August 8, 2019
A James Hutton Institute-led and Scottish Government-funded project to develop a novel decentralised wastewater treatment system in rural India that can be replicated in Scotland and beyond has been shortlisted for a VIBES – Scottish...
July 7, 2019
Two projects aimed at restoring biodiversity in the River Dee catchment will receive more than £350,000 from a new competitive national fund from Scottish Natural Heritage. The Aberdeenshire projects were selected alongside 12 others across...
May 5, 2019
Two research projects conducted by Scotland’s Centre of Expertise for Waters (CREW) have been awarded prizes in recognition of excellence and innovation in water research. The project “Surface water flood forecasting for urban...
May 5, 2019
Research by a social scientist based within the James Hutton Institute’s Social, Economic and Geographical Sciences (SEGS) has been featured in a book recently published by the International Labour Organization (ILO), a specialized agency...
May 5, 2019
Fruit for the Future is one of the James Hutton Institute’s most successful and long-running industry events and is aimed at farmers, agronomists, representatives of the food and drink industries, researchers and others interested in soft...
April 4, 2019
Come and spend a fun family day at Mylnefield Farm! The Institute will be taking part in Open Farm Sunday 2019 on 9 June.
April 4, 2019
A detailed study of the impact of fish farm medicines on Scotland’s seabed, produced by the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) and Biomathematics and Statistics Scotland (BioSS) - formally part of the James Hutton Group - has...
March 3, 2019
As part of Scotland’s continued efforts to become the world’s first Hydro Nation – one that manages its water environment to the best advantage and uses its expertise at home and internationally - the James Hutton Institute has...
March 3, 2019
Our commercial subsidiary James Hutton Limited is hosting an event to promote participation in the Water Test Network (WTN), an Interreg North West Europe ERDF project, which aims to support and encourage small and medium enterprises developing...
January 1, 2019
Water specialists from the James Hutton Institute and Scottish Water are at the forefront of the Water Test Network, an international drive to unlock innovation potential in the global water industry, which also involves experts in Germany,...
December 12, 2018
  What is the story with woodlands in the Cairngorms National Park? Or should we say, what are the stories, as there are many threads of stories of actual, former or speculative woodlands weaving in and out that make this area what it...
November 11, 2018
Primary school students will benefit from wastewater treatment and clean water at their school in India thanks to a joint project led by the James Hutton Institute and funded by the Scottish Government. While visiting India, Scotland's...
October 10, 2018
Introduction The riparian zone occupies the critical interface between land and watercourses where processes have great potential to influence stream and river biogeochemical and ecological conditions and is a key management location. Riparian...
September 9, 2018
Work by James Hutton Institute water researchers has been reflected in the latest Scotland: The Hydro Nation Annual Report, which provides an outline of activities carried out by the Scottish Government and partners under the Hydro Nation agenda...
September 9, 2018
Scientists from the James Hutton Institute have found that waters in Scottish rivers are reaching record-breaking warm temperatures, which may have implications for rural economies across the country. By comparing historical records kept by the...
May 5, 2018
We are inviting Early Career Researchers from the UK and India to apply to attend this workshop. All economy flights and reasonable accommodation expenses will be covered. Application deadline for applications is Friday, 17th August 2018...
April 4, 2018
A Hydro Nation scholar carrying out research on common challenges across water, energy and food and their connections to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) presented her PhD research during a session on “...
April 4, 2018
The James Hutton Institute has partnered with Syngenta and the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) to develop and test a run-off tool app. The tool will advise land managers on the best management practices to reduce run-off and trap...
March 3, 2018
Popular green spaces in Aberdeen are set to become even greener with the planting of almost 5,000 trees, in an initiative co-ordinated and delivered by the River Dee Trust and the James Hutton Institute-supported Dee Catchment Partnership....
March 3, 2018
A new website aiming to become a sharing platform for policymakers, researchers, scientists and anyone interested in the use of landscape features to reduce flood risk has been launched today.
February 2, 2018
The overarching aim of this project was to establish a site to demonstrate the application of combined Willow short rotation coppice constructed wetland technology at a small scale within an existing rural wastewater treatment system.
January 1, 2018
The damage that climate change could cause to nearly one-fifth of Scotland’s coastline, and the steps that could be taken to mitigate it, will be forecast in a new two-year research project funded by the Centre of Expertise for Waters (CREW...
December 12, 2017
Scientists from the James Hutton Institute took part in the Scottish Government’s Hydro Nation delegation in support of a visit by Scotland's Deputy First Minister, John Swinney MSP, to India from the 4th to the 7th of December. The...
November 11, 2017
Technology used on early space missions is being revived by two Fife companies to provide clean water for 100,000 people in Pakistan, with help from the James Hutton Institute and National University of Science and Technology in Islamabad. The...
November 11, 2017
Researchers from the James Hutton Institute and partners have produced an evidence review on river and floodplain management, as part of an Evidence Directory recently launched by the Environment Agency. The Directory aims to provide better...
October 10, 2017
The James Hutton Institute celebrated reinforcing its extensive analytical chemistry capabilities for research and commercial work with a launch evening and ribbon cutting for their new Thermal Ionisation Mass Spectrometer. The £500K...
October 10, 2017
Why is this needed?
June 6, 2017
Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) is an essential part of the process of adaptive management, the process of learning from our actions in order to update and improve future ecosystem management.  Across Europe we have a number of...
June 6, 2017
The second WWT Drinking Water Quality Conference, presented in association with Northumbrian Water Group and supported by the James Hutton Institute, is an essential event for water quality professionals seeking innovative solutions to the...
April 4, 2017
March 3, 2017
Scientists from the James Hutton Institute have been involved in a three-year community research project to deliver a new online service to help better manage the quality of water and ecosystems in the UK. The service, recently launched at an...
March 3, 2017
The work package combines evidence from catchment sites and experimental studies, catchment-scale modelling (assessing current water quantity and quality responses to pressures and predictions of future change), case studies of water issues...
February 2, 2017
A research collaboration featuring scientists from the James Hutton Institute, Newcastle University and the University of Aberdeen has uncovered evidence that man-made pollutants have now reached the most remote habitats of our planet.
February 2, 2017
Significant efforts and resources have been deployed to mitigate rural diffuse pollution through regulatory, guidance and voluntary measures. Despite these ongoing efforts, rural diffuse pollution remains a persisten problem. In Scotland, the...
October 10, 2016
Payment for Ecosystem Services (PESS) schemes are based on voluntary payment arrangements between individual beneficiaries and service providers to establish or increase the supply of an ecosystem service.
September 9, 2016
A new report on river restoration and biodiversity, published by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and by Scotland's Centre of Expertise for Waters (CREW), describes the importance of rivers in the UK and Ireland for...
September 9, 2016
The topic of water research involves staff from multiple disciplines at the James Hutton Institute who collaborate on Water Related research.  Their work, either as part of our research programme for the Scottish Government or for other...
August 8, 2016
There have been decades of calls for more joined up approaches to water and catchment management, i.e. approaches that integrate multiple interests and objectives.  However, integration is a word that can be interpreted in many ways, and...
June 6, 2016
Scientists at the James Hutton Institute have backed calls for the implementation of a long-term strategy to tackle flood prevention. The House of Commons Environmental Audit Committee have today published their “Flooding: Cooperation...
May 5, 2016
The potential of ecosystem services-based approaches for sustainable water resource management has been highlighted in a book co-edited by researchers from the University of Leeds, the James Hutton Institute, the James Cook University and UNESCO...
May 5, 2016
The latest research on water suggests that global demand will increase by 55% by the 2050s and the world could suffer a 40% shortfall in 15 years unless dramatic changes are made in water use and managing water resources. However, are the right...
April 4, 2016
The Water Resources Act (Scotland) 2013 placed a requirement on Scottish Ministers to report to the Scottish Parliament on what steps they were taking to protect and grow Scotland’s ‘water assets’. These assets include our...
April 4, 2016
An old coal mine in Lanarkshire could soon be springing back into life and once again provide heating for people’s homes thanks to geothermal power. A joint effort by North Lanarkshire Council and the James Hutton Institute hopes to bring a...
April 4, 2016
This conference is the first in a planned series, the aim of which is to discuss current and possible future innovative applications of materials chemistry in water and wastewater treatment by bringing together problem holders and technology...
March 3, 2016
As east-central Scotland's Local Coastal Partnership, the Tay Estuary Forum puts together a conference each year to reflect current issues within the coastal and marine environments at both a regional and national scale, with a Tay...
January 1, 2016
Leading UK and Chinese environmental scientists are taking part in a Science to Policy Roundtable in Beijing this week to discuss issues surrounding water resources and governance for water security.
January 1, 2016
Scientists at the James Hutton Institute have welcomed the announcement made by the Scottish Government of an action plan worth £235 million to protect 10,000 properties from flooding in Scotland. However, Dr Marc Stutter, research leader...
January 1, 2016
Scientists at the James Hutton Institute are asking residents of communities in Aberdeenshire to contribute their records and photographs of the River Dee as part of the iDee project, to help measure parameters such as water levels,...
December 12, 2015
As part of the Scottish Government’s Hydro Nation International Programme, which promotes Scotland’s response to key global water challenges, The Scottish Government and The Centre of Expertise for Waters (CREW) have announced the...
August 8, 2015
The James Hutton Institute will host this one-day seminar on constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment. The morning session will consist of a series of short talks on various aspects of constructed wetlands including overall effectiveness,...
April 4, 2015
The potential of ecosystem services-based approaches for sustainable water resource management has been highlighted in a new book co-edited by researchers from the James Hutton Institute and UNESCO. The book is published by Cambridge University...
March 3, 2015
Rajendra Singh, the ‘Waterman of India’, has been named the 2015 Stockholm Water Prize Laureate for his innovative river restoration efforts, improving water security in rural India, and for showing extraordinary courage and...
March 3, 2015
As east-central Scotland's Local Coastal Partnership, the Tay Estuary Forum puts together a conference each year to reflect current issues within the coastal and marine environments at both a regional and national scale, with a Tay...
March 3, 2015
CREW, Scotland's Centre of Expertise for Waters, has today (12 March 2015) published a report commissioned by the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA), on the successful delivery of an innovative pilot project to improve surface...
February 2, 2015
The James Hutton Institute helps to support effective and equitable water management that will be sustainable in the long-term (and in the face of climate change), through its role in supporting a VSO-led project called “"MAJI" (...
January 1, 2015

Books and Book Chapters (Research Page)

Water Ecosystem Services - A Global Perspective
October 10, 2014
Soil and water security
October 10, 2014
Learn more about soils & climate change
January 1, 2014
This project aims to provide a better understanding of barriers to the adoption and implementation of natural flood management (NFM) in Scotland. 
December 12, 2013
Project aim The aim of this project was to review the economics of sustainable land management measures in catchments where abstraction for the provision of drinking water takes place. Funding was provided by CREW (Scotland’s Centre of...
December 12, 2013
The aim of this project was to support Scottish Water pilot a restoration park to reclaim waste water and market it to non-household water users. Funding was provided by CREW (Scotland’s Centre of Expertise for Waters) and the project ran...
December 12, 2013
The aim of this project was to assist in producing a Detailed River Network as required by the Flood Risk Management (Scotland) Act 2009. Funding was provided by CREW (Scotland’s Centre of Expertise for Waters) and it ran from October 2012-...
December 12, 2013
Project aim This aim of this project was to aid consideration of thinking of policy and practice linked to well-being and water. Funding was provided by Scotland’s Centre of Expertise for Waters (CREW) and it ran from 2011-2012.
March 3, 2013
Guidance and advice for improving implementation and increasing uptake of measures to improve water quality in Scotland The Scotland River Basin Management Plan (2010) requires implementation of programmes of measures to support achievement of...
March 3, 2011

Kit Macleod (Member of Staff)

March 3, 2011

Rachel Helliwell (Member of Staff)

March 3, 2011

Kirsty Blackstock (Member of Staff)

March 3, 2011

Kerry Waylen (Member of Staff)

Kerry Waylen is a senior researcher in the Social, Economic and Geographical Sciences (SEGS) department at the James Hutton Institute.  She builds understanding of how to achieve more 'joined up' approaches to natural resource...

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The James Hutton Research Institute is the result of the merger in April 2011 of MLURI and SCRI. This merger formed a new powerhouse for research into food, land use, and climate change.