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Derek Stewart

Staff picture: Derek Stewart
Environmental and Biochemical Sciences
Environmental and Biochemical Sciences
Business Sector Leader – Agri-Food
+44 (0)344 928 5428 (*)

The James Hutton Institute
Dundee DD2 5DA
Scotland UK


Derek Stewart is the Director of the Advanced Plant Growth Centre (APGC), a £27M flagship project at the James Hutton Institute.  The APGC is a major industry collaborative effort that aims to deliver increased commercial, economic and environmental benefits to the agricultural, food and drink sectors in the UK and internationally by innovative use of precision controlled environment technologies. In this directorial role he is responsible for establishing the Advanced Plant Growth Centre (APGC) strategic research and business plans, and ensuring their implementation through annual Operational Plans to deliver a dynamic basic, translational and applied research programme

Derek was previously the AgriFood Business Sector leader and before that the head of the Crop Productivity and Utilisation Theme. He previously held the Chair of Food Chemistry in the Department of Engineering and Physical Science at Heriot Watt University, and this is now an honorary role. Over 30+ years he has pursued a career in crop production, raw material composition and its relation to product quality, functionality, bioactivity and utility and this is reflected in his >200 refereed publications and an H-Index of 62.  Across his career he has, and continues to have, coordination and WP leader positions in large EU grants and significant experience as a PI in RCUK and Innovate UK projects. Professor Stewart sits on many national and EU review panels and is currently one of the experts on the Quaker Centre of Excellence and Industrial Biotechnology Innovation Centre scientific advisory boards.

More recently Derek became a director on the board of Bloom Biotechnologies Ltd., an innovation joint venture between Epigentica, a company delivering biotechnological innovation to industry stakeholders, and James Hutton Ltd.

Current research interests

Controlled Environment Agriculture/Vertical Farming- The developments in the APGC, including the spin in of Intelligent Growth Solutions and Liberty Produce Ltd, have brought intense focus on the emerging files of total controlled environment agriculture, including vertical farming.  This approach exploits integrated systems to facilitate sustainable, local crop growth on a large scale and, via some of the grants identified below, are being shown to have many benefits such as significantly reduced water and nutrient use compares to filed and existing glasshouse systems, offer the ability to alter the taste, texture, appearance and nutritive value of a crop without and genetic manipulation, and if linked to renewable energy sources offer a route to decarbonising the crop production supply chain.

Organoleptic, bioactivity and functionality basis of plant-derived foods- the functional qualities, flavour, aroma, texture, visual appearance bioactivity etc are often the driving factors in food consumption.  However, each of these parameters are multi-component and interrelated.  However, through collaborations with geneticists in academic and industry organisations, who have unique germplasm segregating in organoleptic parameters, and by applying rigorous and concerted chemical, biochemical, physical and molecular biological approaches we are taking this area forward.  Aligning this with the activities in Controlled Environment Agriculture/Vertical Farming makes this a central activity to the APGC.

Circular BioEconomy- The landscape for society, industry and policy is ever evolving but the last few decades have seen a sharpening focus on the key issues of climate change and the sustainable use of resources. This has led to the development of policies and initiatives around factors mitigating and adapting to climate change and activities, particularly industrial, that deliver equivalent or enhanced outputs but with reduced greenhouse gas emissions.  All of this highlights a shift away from fossil fuel-based feedstocks and the requirement for sustainable/renewable resources and processes. This shift to alternative resources means the feedstocks will need to come from land- and marine-based systems.  These new feedstocks could be grown (or harvested) or, as is the focus here, be bioarisings (wastes or co-products) from established rural economy processes such as crop and animal production. We have established a portfolio of approaches looking at agri-food bioarisings (waste or poorly used biomass) and how they can be valorised via biorefining technologies and ensure value is captured.  This is another approach towards ensuring we transition to allow carbon economy




Recent Grants

  • 2021-2023 System Sensing in Vertical Farming and Controlled Environment Agriculture (Sys-Sens). Innovate UK (£0.5M).
  • 2021-2022 Biorefinery approach to valorising Thai seafood processing industry by-products. Newton Fund (Institutional Links), £77k. (HWU)
  • 2021-2023. Hybrid Advanced Research Vertical-Farming Environment Systems and Technology (HARVEST). Innovate UK/EUREKA. (£421k).
  • 2020-2022.  CEA Heirloom Optimisation & Pathogen Control for Seeds (CHOPS). Innovate UK £819k.
  • 2020-2021. Production Optimisation Learning Engineering Autonomous Framework System (PROLEAFS). Innovate UK, £499k.
  • Novel nanocellulosic composites as antivirals and antimicrobials for new PPE materials (NanocellPPE). Innovate UK £462K.
  • 2020-2021. COVID-19: Food and Nutrition Security during and after the COVID-19 Pandemic. ESRC, £426k.
  • 2020-2021. Circular Bioeconomy Opportunities in The North East Area: Valorising Agri-Wastes and Co-Products. SEFARI/Zero Waste Scotland. £15k.
  • 2020-2023. Hydrobubbles to Boost Plant Growth Through Captured Carbon Utilisation. Innovate UK £248k.
  • 2020-2023. ZIRON Pulse: Upscaling adoption and exploitation of a wide diversity of Iron and Zinc-rich beans by rural populations in Africa. BBSRC, £1M.
  • 2020-2022. Optimal use of by-products of berry fruit production, FACCE SURPLUS (ERA-NET Cofund). €0.93M
  • 2019-2022. LIFE18 ENV/NL/000043 - LIFE Plants for Plants: Boost conventional agriculture’s confidence: new organic biostimulants to reduce water, nutrients and pesticide demand. €2,946,102 M, JHI £90k.
  • 2019-2022. Game-changing aeroponic system for seed potato production in Kenya.  Innovate UK, AgriTech 8, £407k.
  • 2019. Sustainable coatings for eggshell based dermal abrasion products. Interface, £5k.
  • 2019-2029. International Barley Hub. Tay Cities Deal (Team bid: Food and biorefining leader), £35M.
  • 2019-2029. Advanced Plants Growth Centre. (Team bid: Science Strategy development and industry engagement), £27M.
  • 2020-2030. Centre of Agricultural Sustainable Innovation, (Team bid: Lead, science strategy development and industry engagement), £5-10M.
  • 2019-2022. Novel animal feeds by adding edible UK seaweeds to improve their nutritional status, health and value.  Innovate UK KTP with Davidson Animals Foods, £275k.
  • 2019-2020. Novel mitigation strategies for the reduction of acrylamide in cooked food products. Genomia, £50k.
  • 2019-2023. Developing genomic tools to accelerate strawberry breeding. Industry (Edward Vinson Ltd.) funded PhD studentship, £152k.
  • 2019-2021. Protein ingredients from UK crops for application in gluten free baking. Innovate UK and Coeliac UK, £250k. (to position at HWU).
  • 2016-2021. Scottish Government Strategic Research Programme, Theme 3 – Food, health and Wellbeing, WP 3.1 - Improving Food and Drink Production, £40M.
  • 2017-2018. Extraction and commercialisation pathways for laminaria hyperborea bark. Industrial Biotechnology Innovation Centre,  £125k.
  • 2016-2017. Potato - A basis for human nutrition and health benefits: A review. AHDB-Potato,  £18k.
  • 2016-2018 New bioinspired 3D nanoplatforms for green biocatalysis. Industrial Biotechnology Innovation Centre, £357k. (Co-I with Dr Andrew Love)
  • 2014-2019 Understanding the causes of crumbly fruit in red raspberry. AHDB/Mylnefield Trust PhD Studentship, £75k.
  • 2014-2019. Elucidating the mechanisms of senescent sweetening in stored potato tubers to improve storage regimes and identify candidate genes. AHDB-Potatoes PhD studentship, £69k.
  • 2015-2018 SCREAM: Screening marine microalgae and terrestrial bacteria; in search of novel compounds of potential medicinal and other industrial values. ERA-LAC, €1.255M.  (Funded via the position in NIBIO, Norway).
  • 2015-2018 Maximum Value Enhancement of Indigenous Seaweeds through Multi-Component Extraction. PhD Studentship, Industrial Biotechnology Innovation Centre. Total value £128k.
  • 2015-2017. Edible Oleogels for Reduction of Saturated Fat. BBSRC DRINC, £204k (funded via HWU).
  • 2015-2019. Optimising oat yield and quality to deliver sustainable production and economic impact (Opti-Oat). AgriTech Catalyst (Innovate UK), £1.87M. (CoI with Athole Marshall, IBERS)


Recent Publications

  1. Allwood, J.A., Martinez-Martin, P., Xuc, Y., Cowan, A., Pont, S., Griffiths, I., Sungurtas, J., Clarke, S., Goodacre, R., Marshall, A., Stewart, D., Howarth, C., (2021) Assessing the impact of nitrogen on oats across multiple growth locations and years via phenotyping and metabolite profiling. Food Chem. 355, 129585. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2021.129585.
  2. Rivington, M., King, R., Duckett, D., Iannetta, P., Benton, T.G., Burgess, P.J., Hawes, C., Wellesley, L., Polhill, J.G., Aitkenhead, M., Lozada-Ellison, L-M., Begg, G., Williams, A.G., Newton, A., Lorenzo-Arribas, A., Neilson, R., Watts, C., Harris, J., Loades, K., Stewart, D., Wardell-Johnson, D., Gandossi, G., Udugbezi, E., Hannam, J.A., Keay.C. (2021) UK food and nutrition security during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. Nutrition Bulletin, 46, 88-97.
  3. McDougall, G.J., Foito, A., Dobson, G., Austin, C., Sungurtas, J., Su, S., Wang, L., Feng, C., Li, S., Wang, L. and Wei, W., 2020. Glutathionyl-S-chlorogenic acid is present in fruit of Vaccinium species, potato tubers and apple juice. Food Chemistry, 330, p.127227.
  4. Matos, M., Anastácio, J.D., Allwood, J.W., Carregosa, D., Sungurtas, J., McDougall, G.J., Menezes, R., Matias, A.A., Stewart, D., dos Santos, C.N.  (2020) Assessing the intestinal permeability and anti-inflammatory potential of sesquiterpene lactones from chicory. Nutrients 12(11), 3547;
  5. Garcia, C., Pais, T., Pinto, P., Dobson, G., McDougall, G.J., Stewart, D., Santos, C.N. (2020) Bioaccessible raspberry extracts enriched in ellagitannins and ellagic acid derivatives have anti-neuroinflammatory properties. Antioxidants, 9(10), 970.
  6. Menezes, R., Foito,A., Jardim, C., Costa, I., Garcia, G., Rosado-Ramos, R., Freitag, S., Alexander, A., Outeiro, T.F., Stewart, D., Santos, C.M.* (2020) Bioprospection of natural sources of polyphenols with therapeutic potential for redox-related diseases. Antioxidants,9, E789. doi: 10.3390/antiox9090789.
  7. Abreu, I.N., Brennan, R.M., Kanichukattu, E.N., Stewart, D., Hancock, R.D., McDougall, G.J., Hackett, C.A. (2020) Quantitative trait loci mapping of polyphenol metabolites in blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum L.). Metabolomics, 16, 25. doi: 10.1007/s11306-020-1647-6
  8. Gomes, A., Oudot, C., Macià, A., Foito, A., Carregosa, D., Stewart, D., Van de Wiele, T., Berry, D., Motilva,M-J., Brenner, C., Nunes dos Santos, C,. (2019) Berry-enriched diet in salt-sensitive hypertensive rats: metabolic fate of (poly)phenols and the role of gut microbiota. Nutrients 11, 2634.
  9.  Solopova, A., van Tilburg, A.Y., Foito, A, Allwood, J.W., Stewart, D, Kulakauskas, S, Kuipers, O.P. (2019) Engineering Lactococcus lactis for the production of unusual anthocyanins using tea as substrate. Metab Eng. 54, 160-169.  doi: 10.1016/j.ymben.2019.04.002.
  10. Foito, A., Dobson, G., Sungurtas, J., Su, S., Wang, L., Feng, C., Li, S. Wang, L., Wei, W., Austin, C., Allwood, W., Stewart, D., McDougall, G.J. (2020) Glutathionyl-S-chlorogenic acid is present in fruit of Vaccinium species, potato tubers and apple juice.  Food Chem. 2020 330, 127227. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2020.127227.
  11. Thole, V., Bassard, J-E., Trick, M., Ramírez-González, R., Afshar, B., Love, N., Breitel D., Hill, L., Foito, A., Shepherd, L., dos Santos, C.N., Menezes, R., Bañados, P., Avila, B., Naesby, M., Wang, L., Wei, W., Sorokin, A., Shelenga, T., Stewart, D., Vain, P., Martin, C. (2019) RNA-seq, de novo transcriptome assembly and flavonoid gene analysis in 13 wild and cultivated berry fruit species with high content of phenolics. BMC Genomics. 20, 995. doi: 10.1186/s12864-019-6183-2.
  12. Allwood JW, Xu Y, Martinez-Martin P, Palau R, Cowan A, Goodacre R, Marshall A, Stewart D, Howarth C. (2019) Rapid UHPLC-MS metabolite profiling and phenotypic assays reveal genotypic impacts of nitrogen supplementation in oats. Metabolomics. 15(3):42. doi: 10.1007/s11306-019-1501-x.
  13. Allwood JW, Woznicki TL, Xu Y, Foito A, Aaby K, Sungurtas J, Freitag S, Goodacre R, Stewart D, Remberg SF, Heide OM, Sønsteby A. (2019) Application of HPLC-PDA-MS metabolite profiling to investigate the effect of growth temperature and day length on blackcurrant fruit. Metabolomics. 15(1):12. doi: 10.1007/s11306-018-1462-5.
  14. Kallscheuer N, Menezes R, Foito A, da Silva MH, Braga A, Dekker W, Sevillano DM, Rosado-Ramos R, Jardim C, Oliveira J, Ferreira P, Rocha I, Silva AR, Sousa M, Allwood JW, Bott M, Faria N, Stewart D, Ottens M, Naesby M, Nunes Dos Santos C, Marienhagen J. (2019) Identification and Microbial Production of the Raspberry Phenol Salidroside that Is Active against Huntington's Disease.  Plant Physiol. 179(3):969-985. doi: 10.1104/pp.18.01074.
  15. Dos Santos, C. N., Menezes, R. & Stewart, D. (2018) Polyphenols as new leads in drug discovery: Biological activity and mechanisms.  Current Pharmaceutical Design. 24, 19, 2041-2042
  16. Foito, A.; McDougall, G.J.; Stewart, D. (2018) Evidence for health benefits of berries. Annual Plant Reviews Online. 1,
  17. Cameron, A.; Logie, L.; Patel, K.; Erhardt, S.; Bacon, S.; Middleton, P.; Harthill, J.; Forteath, C.; Coats, J.T.; Kerr, C.; Curry, H.; Stewart, D.; Sakamoto, K.; Repiscák, P.; Paterson, M.J.; Hassinen, I.; McDougall, G.J.; Rena, G. (2018) Metformin selectively targets redox control of complex I energy transduction. Redox Biology, 14, 187-197.
  18. Austin C, Stewart D, Allwood JW, McDougall GJ. (2018) Extracts from the edible seaweed, Ascophyllum nodosum, inhibit lipase activity in vitro: contributions of phenolic and polysaccharide components. Food Funct. 2018 Jan 24;9(1):502-510. doi: 10.1039/c7fo01690e
  19. Cameron AR, Logie L, Patel K, Erhardt S, Bacon S, Middleton P, Harthill J, Forteath C, Coats JT, Kerr C, Curry H, Stewart D, Sakamoto K, Repiščák P, Paterson MJ, Hassinen I, McDougall G, Rena G. (2018)  Metformin selectively targets redox control of complex I energy transduction. Redox Biol.14, 187-197. doi: 10.1016/j.redox.2017.08.018.
  20. Freitag S, Verrall SR, Pont SDA, McRae D, Sungurtas JA, Palau R, Hawes C, Alexander CJ, Allwood JW, Foito A, Stewart D, Shepherd LVT. (2018) Impact of Conventional and Integrated Management Systems on the Water-Soluble Vitamin Content in Potatoes, Field Beans, and Cereals.  J Agric Food Chem. 2018 Jan 31;66(4):831-841. doi: 10.1021/acs.jafc.7b03509.


Past research

2019-present: Tayside Circular Economy Ambassador (voluntary role)

2017-2020: AgriFood Business Sector Leader, The James Hutton Institute (JHI).

2011-2021: Chair of Plant and Food Chemistry (0.2FTE), Institute of Mechanical, Process and Energy Engineering, Engineering and Physical Sciences, Heriot Watt University (HWU), Edinburgh. (Now an honorary position)

2012-2017:  Research Leader Bioforsk, Nord Holt, Tromsø, Norway (0.2 FTE equivalent)

2011-2017: Head of Enhancing Crop Productivity and Utilisation Theme.

2009-2011: Grade G, Head of Plant Products and Food Quality Programme, Scottish Crop Research Institute (SCRI).



  • Logie, L.; Bacon, S.; Middleton, P.; Harthill, J.; Coats, J.; Stewart, D.; Sakamoto, K.; McDougall, G.; Rena, G. (2013) How does glucophage (metaformin) work? Investigation of the cellular action of chemical analogues., Diabetes UK Professional Conference, Manchester Central, Manchester, 13-15 March 2013.

  • Foito, A.; McDougall, G.J.; Stewart, D. (2018) Evidence for health benefits of berries, Annual Plant Reviews online, 1(1)
  • Stewart, D.; Shepherd, L.V.T. (2013) Metabolomics for the safety assessment of genetically modified (GM) crops., In: Weimer, B.C. & Slupsky, C.M. (eds.). Metabolomics in Food and Nutrition. Woodhead Publishing, Cambridge. Chapter 9, pp192-212.
  • Stewart, D.; Shepherd, L.V.T.; Hall, R.D.; Fraser, P.D. (2011) Crops and tasty, nutritious food - how can metabolomics help?, In: Hall, R.D. (ed.). Biology of Plant Metabolomics. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, Annual Plant Reviews, Volume 43, 181-217.
  • Hancock, R.D.; Stewart, D. (2010) Enhancing the nutritional quality of fruit juices: advanced technologies for juice extraction and pasteurization., In: Bagchi, D., Lau, F.C. & Ghosh, D. (eds.). Biotechnology In Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FLA, USA, 463-482.
  • Dobson, G.; Shepherd, T.; Marshall, R.; Verrall, S.R.; Conner, S.; Griffiths, D.W.; McNicol, J.W.; Stewart, D.; Davies, H.V. (2007) Application of metabolite and flavour volatile profiling to studies of biodiversity in Solanum species., In: Nikolau, B.L. & Wurtele, E.S. (eds.). Concepts in Plant Metabolomics. Springer, Dordrecht, 259-268. ISBN: 978-1-4020-5607-9
  • Taylor, M.A.; McDougall, G.J.; Stewart, D. (2007) Potato flavour and texture., In: Vreugdenhil, D., Bradshaw, J.E., Gebhardt, C., Govers, F., MacKerron, D.K.L. Taylor, M.A. & Ross, H.A. (eds.). Potato Biology and Biotechnology: Advances and Perspectives. Elsevier, Amsterdam, Chapter 24, pp525-540. ISBN: 978-0444510181
  • Shepherd, T.; Dobson, G.; Marshall, R.; Verrall, S.R.; Conner, S.; Griffiths, D.W.; Stewart, D.; Davies, H.V. (2007) Profiling of metabolites and volatile flavour compounds from Solanum species using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry., In: Nikolau, B.L. & Wurtele, E.S. (eds.). Concepts in Plant Metabolomics. Springer, Dordrecht, 208-219. ISBN: 978-1-4020-5607-9
  • Stewart, D.; Morrison, I.M. (1995) Delignification and bleaching of non-wood fibres with peroxy compounds., In: The Chemistry and Processing of Wood and Plant Fibrous Materials (eds. ) Ellis Horwood Ltd. Chichester, pp133-142
  • Stewart, D.; Brennan, R.M. (1995) Blackcurrant stems. An agri-waste with potential as a diluent to existing tree-based fibres., In: The Chemistry and Processing of Wood and Plant Fibrous Materials (eds. J.F. Kennedy, G.O. Phillips and P.A. Williams). Ellis Horwood Ltd. Chichester, pp25-30.
  • Stewart, D. (1995) Phenolic acid dimers in barley straw cell walls., In: The Chemistry and Processing of Wood and Plant Fibrous Materials (eds. ) Ellis Horwood Ltd., Chichester, pp31-36.
  • Morrison, I.M.; Stewart, D. (1992) Spectroscopic evaluation of plant fibres and fibre products., Ellis Horwood Ltd., Chichester.
  • Stewart, D.; Morrison, I.M. (1992) Spectroscopic methods of plant fibre analysis., In: Cellulosics: Materials for Selective Separations and Other Technologies. Ellis Horwood Ltd., Chichester, pp274-280

  • Sandison, F.; Stewart, D.; Yeluripati, J. (2021) A comparison of impacts: lettuce production, PAWSA report
  • Rivington, M.; Duckett, D.; Burgess, P.; Begg, G.; Iannetta, P.; Hawes, C.; Stewart, D. (2021) Post-COVID-19 land use options to achieve food security, healthy diets and a sustainable environment, Online.
  • Rivington, M.; Duckett, D.; Iannetta, P.; Hawes, C.; Begg, G.; Polhill, G.; Loades, K.; Newton, A.; Aitkenhead, M.; Lozada-Ellison, L.; Neilson, R.; Gandossi, G.; Stewart, D.; Wardell-Johnson, D.; Udugbezi, E.; Lorenzo-Arribas, A.; Benton, T.; King, R., Burgess, P. (2021) An overview assessment of the COVID19 pandemic on the UK food and nutrition security, Online.
  • Rivington, M.; Duckett, D.; P. Burgess; Begg, G.; Iannetta, P.; Hawes, C.; Stewart, D. (2021) Post-COVID-19 land use options to achieve food security, healthy diets and a sustainable environment: A report on the opportunities and constraints of UK food and land management options in terms of production potential and environmental impacts, The James Hutton Institute.
  • Rivington, M.; Duckett, D.; P. Burgess; Begg, G.; Iannetta, P.; Hawes, C.; Stewart, D. (2021) Post-COVID-19 land use options to achieve food security, healthy diets and a sustainable environment: A report on the opportunities and constraints of UK food and land management options in terms of production potential and environmental impacts, The James Hutton Institute.
  • Rivington, M.; King, R.; Duckett, D.; Iannetta, P.; G. Benton, T.; Burgess, P. J.; Hawes, C.; Wellesley, L.; Polhill, G.; Aitkenhead, M.; Lozada-Ellison, L. M.; Begg, G.; Williams, A. G.; Newton, A.; Lorenzo-Arribas, A.; Neilson, R.; Watts, C. (2021) UK Food and nutrition security during and after the COVID19 pandemic Project Report and Recommendations, The James Hutton Institute.
  • Foito, A.; Stewart, D. (2019) Analysis of Class II Cherries - Part II., Zero Waste Scotland Project Report, 25 October 2019.
  • Foito, A.; Stewart, D. (2019) Analysis of Class II cherries - Part I., Zero Waste Scotland Project Report, 12 April 2019.
  • Rivington, M.; Dinnie, E.; Craig, T.; Heslop, S.; Slee, B.; Matthews, R.; Nijnik, M.; Morris, S.; Stewart, D.; Martin-Ortega, J.; Dawson, L.A.; Daniell, T. (2013) Climate: public understanding and policy implications., The James Hutton Institute response to the UK Parliament House of Commons Select Committee Inquiry, April 2013.
  • Stewart, D.; McDougall, G. (2012) Potato: a nutritious, tasty but often maligned staple food., Commissioned Review for the Food and Health Innovation Service (FHIS).
  • Stewart, D.; McDougall, G.J. (2012) The Brassicas - an undervalued nutritional and health beneficial plant family., Commissioned Review for the Food & Health Innovation Service (FHIS).
  • McDougall, G.J.; Stewart, D. (2012) Berries and Health: A review of the evidence., Commissioned Review for the Food & Health Innovation Service (FHIS)
  • Ross, H.A.; Morris, W.L.; Ducreux, L.J.M.; Hancock, R.D.; Verrall, S.R.; Morris, J.A.; Stewart, D.; Hedley, P.E.; McDougall, G.J.; Taylor, M.A. (2011) The role of pectin methyl esterase in determining potato tuber textural quality., Annual Report of the Scottish Crop Research Institute for 2010, pp32-33.
  • Foito, A.; Byrne, S.L.; Shepherd, T.; Barth, S.; Stewart, D. (2011) The impact of climate change on grasses: ryegrass and drought tolerance., Annual Report of the Scottish Crop Research Institute for 2010, pp13-14.
  • Stewart, D. (2009) Plant products and food quality., Annual Report of the Scottish Crop Research Institute for 2008, pp33-39.
  • McNicol, J.W.; Verrall, S.R.; Shepherd, T.; Dobson, G.; Griffiths, D.W.; Ramsay, G.; Davies, H.V.; Stewart, D. (2006) Statistical analysis of metabolomic data., Annual Report of the Scottish Crop Research Institute for 2006, pp54-55.
  • Stewart, D.; McDougall, G.J.; Dobson, P. (2004) The relevance of soft fruit to human nutrition., Annual Report of the Scottish Crop Research Institute for 2003/2004, pp138-139.
  • Morris, W.L.; Ducreux, L.J.M.; Millam, S.; Stewart, D.; Griffiths, D.W.; Davies, H.V.; Taylor, M.A. (2003) Carotenogenesis in potato tubers., Annual Report of the Scottish Crop Research Institute for 2002/2003, pp109.
  • Stewart, D.; Deighton, N.; Davies, H.V. (2001) Antioxidants in soft fruit., Annual Report of the Scottish Crop Research Institute for 2000/2001, pp94-98.
  • Muckenschnabel, I.; Lyon, G.D.; Deighton, N.; Goodman, B.A.; Stewart, D.; Williamson, B. (2001) Oxidative processes involved in soft rots caused by Botrytis cinerea., Annual Report of the Scottish Crop Research Institute for 2000/2001, pp124-126.
  • Davidson, E.M.; Forrest, J.M.S.; Morrison, I.M.; Stewart, D. (2000) Mannose-specific plant lectins from plants as diagnostics, vaccines and tools for the elucidation of viral infection., Annual Report of the Scottish Crop Research Institute for 1999/2000, pp125-128.
  • Iannetta, P.P.M.; Jones, C.S.; Stewart, D.; Taylor, M.A.; McNicol, R.J.; Davies, H.V. (1998) Multidisciplinary approaches to improve red raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.) fruit quality., Annual Report of the Scottish Crop Research Institute for 1997/98, pp99-103.
  • McDougall, G.J.; Morrison, I.M.; Stewart, D.; Kerby, N.W. (1995) The potential for the establishment of a centre of excellence for industrial and energy crops in Tayside., A Feasibility Study Commissioned by Scottish Enterprise Tayside.
  • Stewart, D. (1995) Microscopy: FT-IR microspectroscopy., Annual Report of the Scottish Crop Research Institute for 1994, pp176-177.
  • Stewart, D.; Morrison, I.M.; Goodman, B.A. (1995) Spectroscopic analysis of plant cell walls., Annual Report of the Scottish Crop Research Institute for 1994, pp103-108.
  • Baty, A.; McDougall, G.J.; Stewart, D.; Weyers, J.R.B.; Morrison, I.M. (1994) Control of plant fibre quality: identification and characterisation of key enzymes in cell wall synthesis., Annual Report of the Scottish Crop Research Institute for 1993, pp73-77.
  • Stewart, D.; Morrison, I.M. (1993) Chemical delignification of plant fibres., Annual Report of the Scottish Crop Research Institute for 1992, pp61-64.
  • Morrison, I.M.; Stewart, D. (1992) Isolation and identification of plant fibres for industrial uses., Annual Report of the Scottish Crop Research Institute for 1991, pp64-67.
  • Forrest, J.M.S.; Stewart, D.; Muller, W.E.G. (1992) New uses for lectins from plants., Annual Report of the Scottish Crop Research Institute for 1991, pp99-101.

  • Roberto, B.; Martins, I.; Stewart, D.; Allwood, W.; McDougall, G.J.; Macedo, G. (2017) The effects of bio-transformed green and white teas on alpha-amylase activity., Proceedings of the International Conference on Polyphenols and Health, Quebec, Canada, 3-6 October 2017, Book of Abstracts, p216.
  • Gill, C.; Latimer, C.; McDougall, G.J.; Stewart, D.; Pereria-Caro, G.; Crozier, A.; Rotjanapun, K.; Rowland, I.; Lawther, R. (2017) Gut metabolism of (poly)phenolics in ileal digested raspberries yield bioactive molecules, genoprotective in colon cells., International Conference on Polyphenols and Health, Quebec, Canada, 3-6 October 2017. Session 2, Bioavailability and Metabolism. Book of Abstracts, p22.
  • Logie, L.; Bacon S.; Middleton, P.; Harthill, J.; Cochard, H.; Stewart, D.; Sakamoto, K.; McDougall, G.J.; Rena, G. (2013) How does glucophage (metformin) work? Investigation of the cellular action of chemical analogues., Diabetes UK 2013 Professional Conference, Manchester, 13-15 March 2013.
  • Rotter, R.P.; Ewert, F.; Palosuo,T.; Bindi, M.; Kersebaum, K.C.; Olesen, J.E.; Trnka, M.; van Ittersum, M.K.; Janssen, S.; Rivington, M.; Semenov, M.; Wallach, D.; Porter, J.R.; Stewart, D.; Verhagen, J.; Angulo, C.; Gaiser, T.; Nendel, C.; Martre, P.; de Wit, A. (2013) Challenges for agro-ecosystem modelling in climate change risk assessment for major European crops and farming systems., Impacts World 2013, International Conference on Climate Change Effects, Potsdam, Germany, 27-30 May 2013.
  • Foito, A.; Byrne, S.L.; Hackett C.A.; Stewart, D.; Barth, S. (2012) The effects of short-term alteration of Nitrogen supply in the leaf metabolism of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne)., Plant Growth, Nutrition and Environment Interactions, Vienna, Austria, 18-21 February 2012.
  • Cognat, C.; Stewart, D. (2011) Phytochemical diversity in oat grain determined by attenuated total reflectance foutier transform infrared (ATR-FTIR)., 10th European Young Cereal Scientists and Technologists Workshop, Helsinki, Finland, 23-25 May 2011.
  • Deighton, N.; Stewart, D.; Davies, H.V.; Gardner, P.T.; Duthie, G.G.; Mullen, W.; Crozier, A. (2011) Soft fruit as sources of dietary antioxidants., Proceedings of the 8th International Rubus and Ribes Symposium, Dundee, 9-11 July 2011.
  • Laimer, M.; Marzban, G.; Herndl, A.; Beekwilder, J.; McDougall, G.J.; Stewart, D.; Quiles, J.L.; Kruger, E.; Atkinson, C.; Nestby, R.; Toldam-Anderson, T.B.; Harsan, E.; Heinonen, M.; Olsson, M.; Juranic, Z.; Battino, M.; Mezzetti, B. (2009) Euroberry research: from genomics to sustainable production, quality and health WG4: Bioactive compounds of berry fruit affecting human health., COST 863 Management Workshop on Defining Needs of Berry Industries, Lisbon, Portugal, 19-21 March 2009.
  • Karjalainen, R.O.; Anttonen, M.; Saviranta, N.; Stewart, D.; McDougall, G.J.; Hilz, H.; Mattila, P.; Torronen, R. (2009) A review on bioactive compounds in blackcurrants (Ribes nigrum L) and their potential health-promoting properties., International Symposium on Biotechnology of Fruit Species BIOTECHFRUIT2008, Dresden, Germany, 1-5 September 2008. Acta Horticulturae, 839, 301-307.
  • Santos, C.; Tavares, L.R.; Fortalezas, S.; Carillho, D.; Pontes, V.; McDougall, G.J.; Stewart, D.; Ferreira, R.B. (2009) Neuroprotective and MMP-9 inhibitory activity of hydroethanolic extract of Arbustus unedo leaves., 57th International Congress and Annual Meeting of the Society for Medicinal Plant Research and Natural Product Research, Geneva, Switzerland, 16-20 August 2009. Planta Medica, 75, p924.
  • Tavares, L.R.; Pimpao, R.C.; Santos, C.; McDougall, G.J.; Stewart, D.; Ferreira, R.B. (2009) Phytochemical characterisation of Juniperus spp. leaves., 57th International Congress and Annual Meeting of the Society for Medicinal Plant Research and Natural Product Research, Geneva, Switzerland, 16-20 August 2009. Planta Medica, 75, p923.
  • Tavares, L.R.; Santos, C.N.; McDougall, G.J.; Stewart, D.; Ferreira, R.B. (2008) Portuguese endemic wild blackberries as an alternative source of polyphenols and antioxidant activity., Cost 863 Euroberry. Bioactive Compounds in Berry Fruits: Genetic Control, Breeding, Cultivar, Analytical Aspects and Human Health, Zurich, Switzerland, 3-6 December 2008.
  • Karjalainen, R.O.; Stewart, D.; McDougall, G.J.; Hilz, H.; Anttonen, M.; Saviranta, N.; Mattila, P.; Torronen, R. (2008) Understanding health-promoting bioactive compounds in blackcurrants and their agronomic improvement., Cost 863 Euroberry. Bioactive Compounds in Berry Fruits: Genetic Control, Breeding, Cultivar, Analytical Aspects and Human Health. Zurich, Switzerland, 3-6 December 2008.
  • McDougall, G.J.; Martinussen, I.; Stewart, D. (2008) Development of high throughput analyses of polyphenol composition in berries using abbreviated mass spectrophotometry techniques., Cost 863 Euroberry. Bioactive Compounds in Berry Fruits: Genetic Control, Breeding, Cultivar, Analytical Aspects and Human Health, Zurich, Switzerland, 3-5 December 2008.
  • Scossa, F.; Diretto, G.; Taylor, M.A.; Hedley, P.E.; Stewart, D.; Guiliano, G. (2008) Comparative transcriptomic and metabolomic analyses of transgenic 'Golden' potato tubers over-accumulating b-carotene., 5th Solanaceae Genome Workshop 2008, Cologne, Germany, 12-16 October 2008.
  • Brennan, R.M.; Stewart, D.; Russell, J.R. (2008) Developments and progress in Ribes breeding., 9th International Rubus and Ribes Symposium. Pucon, Chile, 30 November - 7 December 2007. Acta Horticulturae, 777, 49-56.
  • Byrne, S.; Foito, A.; Stewart, D.; Barth, S. (2008) Dissecting the genetic nature of crown rust resistance in perennial ryegrass., 18th EUCARPIA General Congress, Valencia, Spain, 9-12 September 2008.
  • Shepherd, T.; Cognat, C.; Griffiths, D.W.; Dobson, G.; Davies, H.V.; Stewart, D. (2008) Application of GC-(ToF)MS based metabolite profiling techniques for compositional analysis of leaf cuticular waxes from potato., Metabomeeting 2008, Lyon, France, 28-29 April 2008.
  • Byrne, S.; Foito, A.; Stewart, D.; Barth, S. (2008) Mapping quantitative trait loci (QTL) for crown rust resistance in Lolium perenne., Agricultural Research Forum, Tullamore, Co Offaly, Eire, 12-13 March 2008.
  • McCue, K.F.; Allen, P.V.; Shepherd, L.V.T.; Blake, A.; Rockhold, D.R.; Novy, R.G.; Stewart, D.; Davies, H.V.; Belknap, W.R. (2007) Manipulation and compensation of steroidal glycoalkaloid biosynthesis in potatoes., Acta Horticulturae, 745, 343-350.
  • Stewart, D. (2007) Nutritional enhancement of soft fruit: recent advances., Cost 863: Small Fruit Production Systems, Odemira, Portugal, 8-10 November 2007.
  • Stewart, D. (2007) Trends and challenges in berry production., Cost 863 (Euroberries): Small Fruit Production Systems, Odemira, Portugal, 9 November 2007.
  • Martinussen, I.; Stewart, D.; McDougall, G.J. (2007) Metabolomic approach to identifying bioactive compunds in berries: advances toward fruit nutritional enhancement., PSE Congress: Plants for Human Health, Helsinki, Finland, 26-29 August 2007.
  • Stewart, D.; McDougall, G.J.; Brennan, R.M.; Graham, J.; Martinussen, I. (2007) Targets for nutritional enhancement in fruit: pitfalls, shortcuts and progress., PSE Congress Plants for Human Health, Helsinki, Finland, 26-29 August 2007.
  • Waugh, R.; Rostoks, N.; Ramsay, L.; Druka, A.; Marshall, D.F.; Close, T.; Wanamaker, S.; Svensson, J.T.; Bhat, P.; Roose, M.L.; Hayes, P.; Stein, N. (2007) Barley genomics and its impact on breeding., 13th Australian Barley Technical Symposium, Fremantle, Australia, 26-30 August 2008.
  • Conner, S.; Davies, H.V.; Stewart, D. (2007) Metabolomics and its application to novel food testing., 3rd International Metabolomics Conference, Manchester, 10-14 June 2007.
  • Stewart, D.; Shepherd, L.V.T.; McNicol, J.W.; Davies, H.V. (2007) Metabolomics as a platform technology for food safety and risk assessment., 3rd International Metabolomics Conference, Manchester, 10-14 June 2007.
  • McDougall, G.J.; Dobson, P.; Shpiro, F.; Smith, P.; Stewart, D.; Fyffe, S. (2007) Assessing bioavailability of soft fruit polyphenols in vitro., Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Human Health Effects of Fruits and Vegetables, Quebec, Canada, 17-20 August 2005. Acta Horticulturae, 744, 135-148.
  • Shepherd, T.; Dobson, G.; Marshall, R.; Verrall, S.R.; Conner, S.; Griffiths, D.W.; McNicol, J.W.; Davies, H.V.; Stewart, D. (2006) Use and limitations of GC-MS based metabolite profiling methods for the analysis of metabolite content in freeze-dried potato tubers., 4th International Plant Metabolomics Conference, Reading, 7-10 April 2007. Metabolomics, 2(4), p279.
  • Stewart, D.; Colquhoun, I.; McNicol, J.W.; Davies, H.V. (2006) Plant metabolomics addressing scientific concerns and uncertainties with genetic modification., 4th International Plant Metabolomics Conference, Reading, 7-10 April 2006.

  • Allwood, J.W.; Woznicki, T.L.; Xu, Y.; Foito, A.; Aaby, K.; Sungurtas, J.; Freitag, S.; Goodacre, R.; Stewart, D.; Remberg, S.F.; Heide, O.M.; Sønsteby, A. (2020) Application of HPLC-PDA-MS metabolite profiling to investigate the effect of growth temperature and day length on blackcurrant fruit., RFMF-MPF MetaboMeeting 2020, University of Toulouse, 22-24 January 2020. Poster.
  • McDougall, G.J.; Allwood, J.W.; Dobson, G.; Stewart, D.; Crozier, A.; Gill, C.I.R. (2018) Novel bioactive triterpenoids in Rubus: Variation due to tissue, extraction and genotype., 2nd International Conference on Food Bioactives and Health, Lisbon, Portugal, 26-28 September 2018. (Poster)
  • Hooper, M.; Taylor, M.; Campbell, R.; Stewart, D. (2018) Re-engineering the tropane alkaloid biosynthesis pathway in potato., New Biotechnology, 44, S26. (Abstract O10-1).
  • Carvalho, L.G.; Stewart, D.; Shepherd, L.; Mcdougall, G.J. (2018) The potential for new product development from Scottish seaweed: A focus on Laminaria hyperborea., IBioIC's 4th Annual Conference, Building on Success, Technology and Innovation Centre, Glasgow, 25-26 January 2018. (Poster)
  • Morris, W.L.; Campbell, R.; Freitag, S.; Bryan, G.; Stewart, D.; Taylor, M.A. (2017) Solanesol: added value from potato waste: factors influencing solanesol content in potato., XIV Solanaceae and 3rd Cucurbitaceae Joint Conference Solcuc 2017, Valencia, Spain, 3-6 September 2017. (Poster)
  • Allwood, J.W.; Xu, Y.; Palau, R.; Shepherd, T.; Howarth, C.; Martinez Martin, P.; Marshall, A.; Clarke, S.; Goodacre, R.; Stewart, D. (2017) Application of metabolomics approaches to study the effect of nitrogen elevation on winter oat metabolite composition and quality traits., Scottish Metabolomics Network 3rd Annual Symposium, City of Glasgow College, Glasgow, 2-3 November 2017. Poster 6.
  • Carvalho, L.G.; McDougall, G.J.; Stewart, D.; Shepherd, L.V.T. (2017) Laminaria hyperborea - valorisation of new products besides alginates., Natural Product Biotechnology International Conference, AECC, Aberdeen, Scotland, 25-26 September 2017. (Poster).
  • Carvalho, L.G.; McDougall, G.J.; Stewart, D.; Shepherd, L.V.T. (2017) Laminaria hyperborea - Polysaccharide profiling, mapping and bioactivity., IBioIC 3rd Annual Conference: Realising the Opportunity, Technology and Innovation Centre, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland, 26-27 January 2017. (Poster).
  • Austin, C.; Stewart, D.; Allwood, J.W.; McDougall, G.J. (2017) Edible seaweeds inhibit pancreatic lipase in vitro., International Conference on Natural Product Biotechnology, AECC, Aberdeen, 25-26 September 2017. Book of Abstracts, p24. (Poster)
  • Foito, A.; Freitag, S.; Sungurtas, J.; Santos, C.; Costa, I.; Jardim, C.; Garcia, G.; Ramos, R.; Menezes, R.; Mendez-Sevillano, D.; Ottens, M.; Dobson, G.; McDougall, G.J.; Hackett, C.; Graham, J.; Stewart, D. (2017) BacHberry - Bio-prospecting strategies identify a novel bioactive phenolic compound from a Rubus germplasm collection., International Conference on Polyphenols and Health, Quebec, Canada, 3-6 October 2017.
  • Dobson, G.; Shepherd, T.; Allwood, W.; Palau, R.; McRae, D.; Pont, S.; Sungurtas, J.; Alexander, C.; Verrall, S.; Stewart, D.; Shepherd, L. (2017) Comparison of rapeseed grown sustainably and conventionally. A comparison of the quality of oil and meal from winter oilseed rape grown under sustainable and conventional practices., International Conference on Natural Product Biotechnology, AECC, Aberdeen, 25-26 September 2017.
  • Dobson, G.; Shepherd, T.; Palau, R.; McRae, D.; Pont , S.; Sungurtus, J.; Alexander, C.; Verrall, S.; Stewart, D.; Shepherd, L. (2017) A comparison of the quality of oil and meal from rapeseed grown under sustainable and conventional cultivation practices., Scottish Lipid Discussion Group, University of St Andrews, 4 September 2017.
  • Goszcz, K.; Duthie, G.G.; Stewart, D.; Megson, I.L. (2017) The polyphenol delphinidin induces antioxidant effects in human umbilical vein endothelial cells through activation of endogenous glutathione: importance of using relevant concentration in in vitro systems., 20th Annual Meeting of the Scottish Cardiovascular Forum, University of Glasgow, 4 February 2017. Heart, 103, A8-A9. Abstract No 20.
  • Latimer, C.; McDougall, GJ.; Stewart, D.; Lawther, R.; O'Connor, G.; Rowland, I.; Crozier, A.; Gill, C.I.R. (2016) Novel raspberry triterpenoids with potential anti-cancer effects., Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 75, Abstract E43.
  • Carvalho, L.G.; McDougall, G.J.; Stewart, D.; Shepherd, L.V.T. (2016) Laminaria hyperborean: Polysaccharide profiling and mapping, EPS Postgraduate Poster Event 2016, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland, 12 October 2016. (Poster)
  • Carvalho, L.G.; Mcdougall, G.J.; Stewart; D.; Shepherd, L.V.T. (2016) Maximum value enhancement of indigenous seaweed through multi-component extraction., The James Hutton Institute Annual Postgraduate Students Event 2016, Birnam Arts & Conference Centre, Birnam, Dunkeld, Scotland, UK, 17 March 2016. Poster
  • Shepherd, T.; Dobson, G.; McRae, D.; Sungurtas, J.; Pont, S.; Palau, R.; Alexander, C.; Verrall, S.; Stewart, D.; Shepherd, L. (2016) Comparing the effects of different cultivation practices on the metabolite composition of cereal crops., Cereals in Practice, Saphock Farm, Oldmeldrum, 5 July 2016. (Poster).
  • Dobson, G.; Shepherd, T.; Palau, R.; McRae, D.; Sungurtas, J.; Alexander, C.; Verrall, S.; Stewart, D.; Shepherd, L.V.T. (2016) Comparison of rapeseed grown sustainably and conventionally. A comparison of the quality of oil and meal from winter oilseed rape grown under sustainable and conventional cultivation practices., Agriculture and the Environment XI, What Future for our Farming Systems?: Environmental Challenges and Integrated Solutions. Edinburgh, 1-2 March 2016. (Poster).
  • Shepherd, T.; Dobson, G.; McRae, D.; Sungurtas, J.; Pont, S.; Palau, R.; Alexander, C.; Verrall, S.; Stewart, D.; Shepherd, L.V.T. (2016) A comparison of the metabolite compositions of spring barley, winter barley and winter wheat grown under sustainable and conventional cultivation practices using a GC-MS metabolomics approach., Agriculture and the Environment XI, What Future for our Farming Systems?: Environmental Challenges and Integrated Solutions. Edinburgh, 1-2 March 2016. (Poster).
  • Shepherd, T.; Dobson, G.; McRae, D.; Sungurtas, J.; Pont, S.; Palau, R.; Alexander, C.; Verrall, S.; Stewart, D.; Shepherd, L. (2016) Comparing the effects of different cultivation practices on the metabolite composition of cereal crops., Scottish Metabolomics Network Meeting at the Centre for Health Sciences, Inverness, 16-17 November 2016.

Scientific Posters / Conferences

File Effect of High O2 and N2 Atmospheres on Strawberry Quality
118.75 KB
File Plant metabolomics: Addressing the scientific concerns and uncertainties of genetic modification 1.06 MB
File Rubus and Ribes: Identification of nutritional breeding targets
313.57 KB
File Plant-Nematode Interactions: Implications for the Plant Metabolome 360.6 KB
File Plant-Nematode Interactions: Implications for the Plant Metabolome 569.62 KB
File Plant-Pathogen Interactions; Implications for the Plant Metabolome
373.05 KB
File Characterisation and transgenic modification of carotenogenesis during tuber development and storage in potato 121.81 KB
File Carotenoid accumulation during potato tuber development and storage 144.79 KB
File Carotenoid accumulation during potato tuber development and storage 118.06 KB
File Use of Gas Chromatography-(Time-Of-Flight) Mass Spectrometry for Analysis of Metabolites from Solanum Species 264.52 KB
File Analysis of Metabolites from Solanum Species using Gas Chromatography-(Time-Of-Flight) Mass Spectrometry and Automated Data Analysis 269.89 KB
File Investigating and exploiting the metabolomic richness of plant germplasm
884.56 KB
File Determination Of Wood Density And Chemical Composition With Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy
470.23 KB
File Can metabolomics identify unintended effects in transgenic potato tubers? 1.43 MB
File Metabolite Peak Identification and Data Structure in a Multi-Site Large Scale Metabolomics Experiment 135.02 KB
File Metabolic profiling of the response in susceptible and resistant Solanaceae to plant parasitic nematode 321.44 KB
File Metabolomics: A tool to advance food safety and toxicology 318.68 KB
File Metabolomics and its application to novel food testing 352.21 KB
File Enhancing raspberry fruit quality 136.59 KB
File Different polyphenolic components of soft fruits inhibit α-amylase and α-glucosidase 446.63 KB
File Metabolite profiling of cuticular waxes from Solanum species
361.53 KB
File Identification and Assessment of Nutritional Relevance of Antioxidant Compounds from Soft Fruit Species 95.65 KB
File Metabolomic approach to identifying bioactive compounds in berries
Advances toward fruit nutritional enhancement
297.99 KB
File Metabolomics as a platform technology for food safety and risk assessment 829.48 KB
File Botrytis cinerea perturbs redox processes as an attack strategy in plants
380.27 KB
File A Mechanistic Approach to Fruit Phytochemicals and Cancer Chemoprotection
267.4 KB
File Devolonutri - development of high throughput approaches to optimise the nutritional value of crops and crop-based foods
595.35 KB
File Metabolomics: the way forward for accelerated nutritional enhancement in soft fruit 808.29 KB
File Transcriptional and metabolic profiles of Lolium perenne L. genotypes in response to a PEG-induced water stress
1.51 MB
File Investigating the metabolomic response of Lolium Perenne to a PEG induced drought stress
335.18 KB
File Shelf-life durability of oat based products
1.1 MB
File Blackcurrant - A source of human health beneficial phytochemicals
868.03 KB
File A Mechanistic Approach to Fruit Phytochemicals and Cancer Chemoprotection
240.24 KB
File Metabolomic approach to identifying bioactive compounds in berries: Advances toward fruit nutritional enhancement 487.89 KB
File Are polyphenols viable targets for soft fruit breeding? A model study on blackcurrant 817.48 KB
File Are polyphenols viable targets for soft fruit breeding? A model study on blackcurrant 533.84 KB
File Berry Polyphenols: Bioactivities and Health Bene
5.54 MB
File Profiling of phenols in human faecal water after raspberry supplementation 1.14 MB
File Identification of polyphenol regulators of the insulin-sensitive transcription factor FOXO1a 731.1 KB
File BrainHealthFood - bioactive compounds from blackcurrant waste for brain health 601.28 KB
File Effect of Delphinidin and Resveratrol on Oxidative Stress: Impact on Endothelial Cell Survival and Vascular Function
739.32 KB
File Mechanisms by which fruit polyphenols act as cancer chemopreventive agents
1.16 MB
File Metabolomics as a route to fruit flavour and functionality: Blackcurrant as a model study 383.87 KB
File Early-response mechanisms of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) to phosphorus deficiency
683.24 KB
File Identification of polyphenol regulators of the insulin-sensitive transcription factor FOXO1a
320.55 KB

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The James Hutton Research Institute is the result of the merger in April 2011 of MLURI and SCRI. This merger formed a new powerhouse for research into food, land use, and climate change.