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A list of items related to the International Barley Hub.

January 1, 2023
Colin Campbell, Chief Executive of the James Hutton Institute. This article first appeared in The Herald on 26 January Global food security is going to be a dominant economic theme over the next decade. Since the Russian invasion of...
January 1, 2023
The James Hutton Institute and McLaughlin & Harvey have signed construction contracts worth £28.7m for the next stage of the ongoing redevelopment of The James Hutton Institute’s Invergowrie estate.
December 12, 2022
The International Barley Hub Field Centre at the James Hutton Institute was officially opened today (2 December) by UK Government Minister for Scotland, Malcolm Offord. The £62 million International Barley Hub, comprised of several...
August 8, 2022
Today marks International Beer Day, a global celebration of beer, taking place in pubs, breweries, and backyards all over the world. Behind great tasting beer is great science, like the barley research taking place at the James Hutton Institute...
June 6, 2022
After a two-year enforced hiatus, the James Hutton Institute’s return to the Royal Highland Show was a success: a steady stream of visitors visited the marquee including farmers, research partners and families, as well as a significant...
June 6, 2022
The thin layer of soil surrounding plant roots, an interface that scientists define as the rhizosphere, is a habitat for a multitude of microorganisms collectively referred to as the rhizosphere microbiota. In analogy with the microbiota...
June 6, 2022
The Royal Highland Show (23-26 June 2022, Ingliston, Edinburgh EH28 8NB) is one of Scotland's most iconic events, and while it showcases the very best of farming food and rural life, it could be argued that it is actually a science, research...
February 2, 2022
A renowned group of barley scientists, including researchers from the James Hutton Institute and the University of Dundee, has issued an open call to ‘galvanize’ the international barley research community from the ground up by...
January 1, 2022
The James Hutton Institute supports plans being put forward to create a life sciences innovation district for the Dundee region. Dundee City councillors will be asked to kick-start discussions that will explore and agree joint marketing,...
October 10, 2021
The Mylnefield Trust have awarded the inaugural John Hillman Scholarship to Jessica Shadbolt, a PhD student at the James Hutton Institute, for research on barley breeding. The new scholarship celebrates the life and achievements of Professor...
October 10, 2021
An industry-wide consortium, led by producer organisation G’s Growers and supported by the James Hutton Institute, the University of Dundee and James Hutton Limited, has won a UKRI-BBSRC collaborative training partnership award (...
October 10, 2021
The next generation of barley researchers have received a multi-million investment through the Barley Industrial Training Network (BARIToNE) programme, a Collaborative Training Partnership (CTP) led by the Scotch Whisky Research Institute, the...
August 8, 2021
Building work has now begun on the International Barley Hub (IBH) and Advanced Plant Growth Centre (APGC) at the James Hutton Institute. The two plant science innovation centres are being supported by £45 million from the UK Government...
June 6, 2021
The latest seminar of the International Barley Hub took place on Tuesday 22nd June and discussed Barley Varieties - The Recommendation System. It was led by Dr Paul Gosling and chaired by George Lawrie, IBH. Barley breeders are...
June 6, 2021
International Barley Hub scientists have been awarded a prestigious International Partnership award from BBSRC to strengthen the link between world leading research teams in the UK and Europe. The aim of the grant is to create new working...
May 5, 2021
Plant scientists at the James Hutton Institute and the University of Dundee have won funding to establish a partnership with world-class researchers in Australia. This will allow the leading research organisations to pool their expertise towards...
May 5, 2021
Undergraduate student Johanna Maria Würtz, who undertook a 1,150-mile hike alongside her Shetland pony Hechizo to take on a barley science placement at the James Hutton Institute in Dundee, has completed her work in Scotland and plans to...
March 3, 2021
The International Barley Hub and the Advanced Plant Growth Centre, two flagship innovation projects supported through a transformational capital investment of £45m by the UK Government and £17m by the Scottish Government via the Tay...
March 3, 2021
The productivity of cereal crops could get a boost in the future thanks to the discovery of new roles for a master gene regulator that influences the development of barley florets, furthering the understanding of grain development including...
February 2, 2021
The James Hutton Institute has announced the appointment of directors for three flagship research and innovation initiatives: the International Barley Hub (IBH) and the Advanced Plant Growth Centre (APGC), both based in Dundee, and the...
January 1, 2019
On Burns Night, let’s raise a dram to better barley: scientists based at the International Barley Hub in Dundee have developed a genotyping array that allows the detailed genetic characterisation of any individual barley variety. The array...

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The James Hutton Research Institute is the result of the merger in April 2011 of MLURI and SCRI. This merger formed a new powerhouse for research into food, land use, and climate change.