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Social, Economic and Geographical Sciences Blog

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“There are moments in life where the question of knowing whether one might think otherwise than one thinks and perceive otherwise than one sees is indispensable if one is to continue to observe or reflect ...” Michel Foucault

Anyone can contribute to the blog. We welcome pieces on all things related to the social, economic and geographical sciences. Please visit our main SEGS Group site for more information about us.

The economic benefits of invasive species management

Author: Michaela Roberts

Bushtail possum, a native of Australia is now an invasive species in New Zealand. Credit: Brisbane City Council. Invasive species are increasing worldwide, and with them so is our understanding of how they damage...

Am I an agritourist?

Author: Sharon Flanigan

I am a social researcher working on topics relating to agriculture. It is my job to ask questions, but one I have been asking myself a lot recently is, Am I an agritourist?

Rural community resilience: the ‘everyday’ and the ‘emergency’

Author: Mags Currie

During the winter of 2015/16, the North East of Scotland faced the worst flooding in recent history. The ongoing Long-term implications of flooding1 project that I’m co-leading focuses on the impacts on people...

“It was like the Titanic”-Some thoughts on the social amplification of risk

Author: Dominic Duckett

Certain risk events attract a lot of media coverage and this can have knock-on effects. Recent prime time TV coverage of the stricken cruise ship Viking Sky, battered by heavy seas with rescue helicopters circling...

Reflecting on participation in the Citizens’ Jury at the Scottish Parliament & the idea of expertise

Author: Kirsty Blackstock

Last month I had the privilege of contributing to The Scottish Parliament’s inaugural Citizens’ Jury held 29-31st March 2019, in the heart of our Parliament Building. Twenty-two citizens, randomly...

Well, can you do excellent science without flying?

Author: Gary Polhill

Joshua Msika, the James Hutton Institute’s sustainability coordinator, posed the above question of those passing through to the canteen one lunchtime during climate week. He got a mix of yes/no answers and...

Big data, small places: building a better evidence base

Author: Ruth Wilson

Analysis of big data is telling us more and more about the world, from the state of our health and the environment to global population trends. It also has potential to generate important insights about small places...

Climate Activism in Academia

Author: Scott Herrett

During a recent seminar at the James Hutton Institute, Howard Frumkin - the head of the Wellcome Trust’s ‘Our Planet, Our Health’ initiative - caught my attention when he spoke of the ‘fierce...

Too much of a good thing for Aberdeen? Lessons from an agent-based model of commuting.

Author: Jiaqi Ge

Imagine a new policy that allows you to work anywhere at any of the workplaces in your region. Where do you choose to work? Now, think about everyone else who has the same right to work where they choose. Will you...

Managing babies – lessons for managing the environment?

Author: Kerry Waylen

I’ve just returned to my research on environmental governance after half a year of maternity leave. Whilst I was away I started to see parallels between my trying to care for a baby, and the challenges of...


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The James Hutton Research Institute is the result of the merger in April 2011 of MLURI and SCRI. This merger formed a new powerhouse for research into food, land use, and climate change.