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James Hutton Institute Blogs

Is the world waking up to the PFAS problem?

Prof Zulin Zhang, Dr Jessica Gomez-Banderas, Dr Viktoria Mueller The US has joined a growing number of countries waking up to the risks posed by the presence of PFAS, more commonly known as forever chemicals, in our environment, drinking water and food.

A renewable opportunity or road block? Navigating policy and practice

David Millar, a senior scientist at the James Hutton Institute talks about navigating through the renewable energy policy landscape.

Housing, repopulating Scotland’s islands and remote working – three challenges for our rural communities

How can we repopulate and keep communities strong on Scotland’s islands, how can we make sure there is adequate access to housing in rural areas and could remote working be the boost needed to create rural resilience? These are knotty challenges to which there is no simple solution or...

Learning the research ropes in social science

The first experience in the world of work, especially when you’re still unsure of your next move, can be daunting. Our graduate research assistant programme makes the transition much easier. We’ve been running it in our social, economic and geographic sciences (SEGS) department...

Research farm opens its gates for Climate Week

The James Hutton Institute is opening the site of its Climate-Positive Farming Initiative to the public later this month (March 21-22) as part of Climate Week North East. Visitors to the Initiative, at the Hutton’s Glensaugh research farm, will be taken on a free, 90-minute, 3 km-long...

Hutton science in spotlight at Bright Club comedy night

Hutton scientists and researchers will be on stage as part of an Aberdeen entertainment night mixing research and comedy for an evening of laughs, music and new ideas later this week. Bright Club, which began in Aberdeen in 2012, will be held at Spin on Littlejohn Street at 7pm on Thursday,...

Is the grass greener in a changing climate?

By Dr Orla Shortall, agricultural sociologist Around this time of year, on a very rainy winter’s day a couple of years ago, I was visiting a dairy farm in east Scotland. Grazing was important to the farmers’ system for keeping his costs down, but he told me that, in recent years,...

Second warmest winter on record at Invergowrie

The winter months, December to February 2024, were the second warmest winter on our records at Invergowrie, with a daily mean air temperature of 5.3°C. This beats only 1998, which saw a daily air mean of 5.8°C, according to our records, which date back to 1954. It was also a relatively...

Green finance: navigating the future of sustainable investment

By Dr Umar Farooq Green finance has become a new buzz phrase; an economic lever to help drive environmental solutions that address the climate and ecological crises.

Trees: the solution to all our problems or not that simple?

Trees are a great way to soak up carbon emissions, improve nature and biodiversity. Right? Well, not always. We take a dive into why where you plant trees can have hidden, perhaps surprising, implications.


Printed from /blogs/all on 20/09/24 01:50:11 AM

The James Hutton Research Institute is the result of the merger in April 2011 of MLURI and SCRI. This merger formed a new powerhouse for research into food, land use, and climate change.